Warning! This post is very old and may contain information or opinions that are no longer valid or embarrassing.

The Egyptian military announced yesterday that it has developed a device that can diagnose HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C virus non-invasivly with 100% accuracy and can do so from a distance of up to 500 meters. The device has no electronics and is claimed to be powered by the body's static electricity.

This device is nothing but a divining rod, a sham invention inspired by another sham invention that some hold responsible for the death of 26,000 Iraqis. The ADE651 is a bomb detector that was sold to Iraqi government by a British fraudster through a corrupt Iraqi general for millions of dollars. Both are currently where they belong: in prison.

In reality both devices utilize a psychological trick called the ideomotor effect.

Last year, news of the divining rod reached the international press and was a source of embarrassing ridicule from the scientific community. For mysterious reasons the same device is being announced again.

The announcement is far more serious this time. The army claims to have invented something called, in its power-point presentation to the interim president and defense minister, the Complete Cure (CC). A dialysis like machine that possibly uses electromagnetic signals to treat HIV, Hepatitis C and psoriasis in more than 90% of cases. Treatment will start on June 30.

Okaaay so the Egyptian military isn't exactly on the map of worldwide biomedical research. It is an institution, when it comes to medicine, that has the reputation of virginity checks, operating on protesters without anesthesia and targeting field hospital doctors.

And before you accuse me of driving a wedge between the people and the last respectable institution and so on remember that such extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence.

If it's true, as the army claims, that they have developed a gift for humanity, their inventions must be scrutinized by the international scientific community. Announcing that the device will not be exported and will only be available in military hospitals and guarded as a state secret is ridiculous. Few letters from the ministry of health approving the device are evidence of nothing and can be arranged by a phone call from top generals.

Such claims offer hope and nothing more and eventually the claims will collapse in the eyes of the public and this won't only tarnish the reputation of the military but will also harm our own sense of initiative towards science.

Update: The president's scientific advisor asks for independent scientific review of the claimed treatment.
More updates in this new post


  • zakki

    Posted on - 🔗

    Very good Article

  • Pseudoscience

    Posted on - 🔗

    I absolutely agree with this article. I can't find any publication about the device or treatments. I have access to online databases and haven't found anything about this fake crap. Unfortunately this is another signal for the demise of Egypt. THe ruling elites have gone crazy.

    Moftasa, please delete the obscene comment.

    • Pseudoscience

      Posted on - 🔗

      Just to be fair, they published a poster in 2011 and 2013.

      • moftasa

        Posted on - 🔗

        Yes and the 2011 poster showed an image different from that of the actual device, see this

        If you have a link to the 2013 poster, please send it.


      • moftasa

        Posted on - 🔗

        There is a photo of the 2013 poster here and it shows an electronic device. Not similar to the one pictured in other articles.

  • Fahad AlFaris

    Posted on - 🔗

    الله يفضحهم ياشيخ سودوا وشنا قدام العالم /// علاج ايدز في كفته ....وبجهاز اتاري
    هذا هو الجيش الذي سيحمي مصر ، يكذب على الشعب
    هذا اكبر جيش عربي ينصب ويكذب ويدلس
    هم عايشين فين؟
    آه اين انت ياحمرة الخجل

  • مصرية وأفتخر ببلدى

    Posted on - 🔗

    ما أحقر الإنسان الذى تكرمه وتعلمه القراءة والكتابة واللغات ثم يستعمل ما علمته فى التقليل من شأنك وما أغباه حين يظن أن ذلك لآيقلل من شأنه

  • Noble.

    Posted on - 🔗

    I was informed by a reliable sources, that the CC machine, also takes good pictures and with an attachment it makes great pan-cake.

  • titorite

    Posted on - 🔗

    Well if this article is not a complete sack of lies and if that machine is anything like a rife machine the it is real and it works.... HOW. DOESIT. FEEL MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT? Rife getting accepted by NOVOCURE!!! novocure is frequency therapy that the Israeli use for brain cancer. Good enough for them then it is good enough for EVERYONE!