🔗 VanMoof S3


A €2000 e-bike that offers 'next-generation' technology. Apart from the e-bike technology with a 60-150km battery range and the sleek design where the battery is embedded inside the frame, it offers hydraulic disc brakes, GPS, smartphone app, anti-theft technology and an electronic gear shifter.

All of the above is incredibly impressive but stands against the '[[Just Ride|https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0074QGFES/]]' philosophy and the spirit of bikes that they are essentially simple machines that are accessible and easy to fix. Close up photos show proprietary screws, you can't service these bikes at your local bike shop. These bikes are more of descendant of the motorbike or a Segway.

It is ironic that the brand gained some marketing after their ad was banned in France. The [[ad|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMpqVfnuyII]] was accused of [[linking the automobile industry to climate change.|https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/30/21308117/vanmoof-ebike-ad-banned-france-cars-climate-change]]