Most Recent Bookmarks

🔗 The GRIM Test: A Simple Technique Detects Numerous Anomalies in the Reporting of Results in Psychology


We present a simple mathematical technique that we call granularity-related inconsistency of means (GRIM) for verifying the summary statistics of research reports in psychology. This technique evaluates whether the reported means of integer data such as Likert-type scales are consistent with the given sample size and number of items. We tested this technique with a sample of 260 recent empirical articles in leading journals. Of the articles that we could test with the GRIM technique (N ¼ 71), around half (N ¼ 36) appeared to contain at least one inconsistent mean, and more than 20% (N ¼ 16) contained multiple such inconsistencies. We requested the data sets corresponding to 21 of these articles, receiving positive responses in 9 cases. We confirmed the presence of at least one reporting …

🔗 The Israeli Military Is One of Microsoft's Top AI Customers, Leaked Documents Reveal

Microsoft is a major provider of cloud services and artificial intelligence for the Israeli military, according to internal documents related to the contracts between the Israeli Ministry of Defense (MoD) and Microsoft Israel obtained by Drop Site News. The leaked documents show that Israel’s usage spiked dramatically in the months following October 7, 2023 when Israel was using AI and other technology to wage its brutal war on Gaza.

🔗 Learn Git Branching


Interested in learning Git? Well you've come to the right place! "Learn Git Branching" is the most visual and interactive way to learn Git on the web; you'll be challenged with exciting levels, given step-by-step demonstrations of powerful features, and maybe even have a bit of fun along the way.

🔗 Mathematical Thinking Isn’t What You Think It Is


Whenever you spot a disconnect between what your gut is telling you and what is supposed to be rational, it’s an important opportunity to understand something new. And then you can start this game of back-and-forth. Can you articulate your gut instinct and place it within a rational discussion? If there’s still a disconnect, can you visualize why? As you play that game, your imagination will gradually reconfigure. And in the end, if you’re persistent, your instinct and your reason will align, and you will be smarter. This is mathematical thinking.

🔗 How memorizing poetry can expand your life


When you are memorizing a poem, a similar kind of noticing begins at the level of form.

You dissect the poem to graft it into yourself; in the process, its meanings become not objects to be discovered over there, on the page, like birds on a branch, but instead found here, within you, where the tree takes root.

poetry perpetuates itself by becoming a part of those who read it. It can do so only because it is so specific, so entirely different from us, that taking it in expands our own sense of what we are.

I won’t promise you that memorizing poetry will make your life better, but it will make you more: more in touch with language, with other minds, maybe with what you …

🔗 Understanding Gaussians


The Gaussian distribution, or normal distribution is a key subject in statistics, machine learning, physics, and pretty much any other field that deals with data and probability. It’s one of those subjects, like π or Bayes’ rule, that is so fundamental that people treat it like an icon.

🔗 Make It Yourself - Book


Make it Yourself is a digital book that showcases this incredible talent, bringing together over 1000 useful DIY projects to demonstrate just what is possible when you make things yourself.

Each featured item links directly to their original project websites, where you’ll find everything needed to make them.

🔗 ميثاق شرف للأطباء النفسيين


ميثاق شرف للأطباء النفسيين

مقدمة: لما كنت مهنة الطب النفسى تتميز بسمات دقيقة، و ظروف متشعبة بعيدة عن الوضوح المباشر، رأينا أن نبدأ هذا الميثاق بعرض هذه الظروف التى تبرر وضع ميثاق خاص (بالاضافة الى لائحة آداب المهنة) لتقنين و توجيه الزملاء فى ممارستهم هذه المهنة الكريمة و السامية فى هذه المنطقة الشائكة و فى هذه الظروف الخاصة لهذه المهنة ما يلى:

1- ان الافكار و النظريات و الفروض العلمية، التى تبنى عليها الممارسة العملية، لها جذور و نظريات مختلفة بهذا الفرع فى كل أنحاء العالم و بديهى ان اختلاف النظريات ، يترتب عليه اختلاف التطبيق و الممارسة..

2- أن هذه المهنة مختلطة ( فى اذهان العامة و بعض المختصين من الزملاء الأطباء) مع تخصصات أخرى ليست بالضرورة الطبية، مثل ممارسة التحليل النفسى و الإرشاد النفسى و ما إلى ذلك …

🔗 Record levels of heat-related deaths in 2023 due to climate crisis, report finds


Heat-related deaths, food insecurity and the spread of infectious diseases caused by the climate crisis have reached record levels, according to a landmark report.

The Lancet Countdown’s ninth report on health and the climate breakdown reveals that people across the world face unprecedented threats to their health from the rapidly changing climate.