🔗 YouTube - Mona Seif talks in Egypt police shoots Protestors
Very emotional phone call by @monasosh to @AJELive on Wednesday http://is.gd/0jKBnx
Very emotional phone call by @monasosh to @AJELive on Wednesday http://is.gd/0jKBnx
‘We All Shall Be Free’ http://bit.ly/fxzu1l
Sean Carroll announces HHMI's launch of $60 million documentary film initiative to tell compelling science stories: http://ow.ly/3Qr72
From Blomberg: "You Will be Lynched," says Egyptian Policeman. First Person account: http://budurl.com/zk2m #Egypt
Military scaring off thugs: http://youtu.be/wmsDd5HqdYA When they do right they do right, but the inconsistency is scary #jan25
Is U.S. aid to Egypt required as part of the peace accord? Actually, no it's not: http://bit.ly/hlIo4R
يجب على مصر الافراج عن المعتقلين من الناشطين والصحفيين http://bit.ly/gxjxln
Wanted: Psychiatric Emergency Dept Physician, Outpatient Adult Psychiatrist #jobs #ny http://cot.ag/evrx7z http://fb.me/AlOAZ9sz
موظف بشركة المياه يشرح كيف حشدت الحكومة لمظاهرات تأييد مبارك http://is.gd/qQDwOv #egypt #jan25
Video from yesterday showing pro-Mubarak thugs charge in on horses and a camel http://is.gd/Fh7DBl
Hundreds wounded yesterday, make shift hospital was in chaos http://is.gd/6xNj0E #egypt
Petros Papaconstantinou, a greek journalist, beaten and stabbed by pro-Mubarak thugs http://is.gd/BKQGJI #egypt
Website publishing works by 3 indepndent photographers from France who are in Cairo to photograph the Egyptian uprising http://is.gd/JctJIU
The officer http://bit.ly/dOGrBO
Inside Mubarak's security apparatus: Eyewitness account of arrests & beatings http://is.gd/Stj1YO written couple of days ago by @hackneylad
Historic footage of a battle between brave unarmed people and police. Makes me very proud. http://is.gd/AeJ4mP #egypt
Helicopter seen earlier above Tahrir square at around 5 Cairo time. Air is full of ash. http://is.gd/2pu8Ul #egypt
Guys do you know if this document is genuine? http://is.gd/9hHb3p [Arabic]
Photos from the outside of Tahrir square earlier today (~5pm Cairo time) #egypt http://post.ly/1YLDW
Video of two fighter jets circuling above Cairo shot earlier from Dokki. Sonic booms heard in Tahrir square and Dokki. http://is.gd/tG9a3B
Photos of Army vehicles in Mahmoud square #egypt. http://post.ly/1Y4KO
Jack Shenker says there are signs that the police are siding with protesters. "The regime is already" #jan25 http://is.gd/uxMfcM
إحتلال فودافون والشركات الهاربة من دفع الضرائب في المملكه المتحدة في أكتوبر الماضي http://is.gd/BNlYIk #Jan25
إحتلال سلمي .. الناس تدخل و تقعد على الأرض