
أسمي مصطفي حسين عمر، أنا طبيب نفسي بدرجة أخصائي و كنت أعمل في مستشفى بهمان كرئيس قسم علاج الإدمان من 2016 حتى منتصف 2021، والآن أنا الاستشاري الآكاديمي للمستشفى، تخرجت من كلية الطب جامعة عين شمس في 2004، وعملت كنائب بقسم النفسية والعصبية، بعد ذلك عملت لمدة 3 سنوات في مركز النديم لعلاج ضحايا العنف والتعذيب. في 2013، عملت مع أطباء بلا حدود في القاهرة في مشروع يقدم الرعاية النفسية لللاجئين، خصوصاً ضحايا التعذيب والعنف الجنسي.
في عام 2015 أصبحت عضو بالكلية الملكية للأطباء النفسيين.
الآراء الواردة هنا هي وجهات نظري ولا تعكس آراء أصحاب العمل الحاليين أو السابقين.
My name is Mostafa Hussein Omar. I am a specialist psychiatrist. I used to work at the The Behman Hospital from 2016 to mid-2021 as the head of the Addiction Rehabilitation Department. Currently I am the hospital's academic consultant. Following my graduation from medicine in 2004, I worked at the psychiatry and neurology departments of Ain Shams University. Then I worked for 3 years with the Nadim centre for rehabilitation of victims of violence and torture. Since 2013, I worked with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Cairo as a psychiatrist in a project that provides mental health care for refugees. Particularly victims of torture and sexual and gender based violence. In 2015, I became a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Views expressed here are my own and don't reflect that of current or previous employers.
About this blog
I started this blog in 2005 to express myself and play with the new technology. Mohamed Sameer generously hosted it for sometime before I bought my domain. This blog changed a lot in configuration and style over the years. It was always running Drupal until in 2021 I decided to keep the Drupal installation local and publish a static version of the site. I did this to minimize hosting costs and time needed to keep the site secure and updated. Until for some reason Drupal broke down completely and I had to move to a static site generator.
This blog produces 0.04 g of CO₂ for every webpage served. According to Website Carbon Calculator, that is better than 96% of web pages globally.
In 2024, I started a challenge to post 150 blog posts, each 150 words. Check the tag 150x150.
Notable posts
- Psychiatric Case Scenarios As Visual Novels
- Posts about psychiatry, psychology, mental health or medicine
- Koftagate collection
- Text mining obituaries
- McColl, Helen, et al. "Rehabilitation of Torture Survivors in Five Countries: Common Themes and Challenges." International Journal of Mental Health Systems, vol. 4, no. 1, 2010, p. 16. DOI.org (Crossref), doi:10.1186/1752-4458-4-16.
- Loza, Nasser, and Mostafa Hussein Omar. "The Rights of Persons with Mental Disabilities: Is the UN Convention the Answer? An Arab Perspective." BJPsych. International, vol. 14, no. 3, Aug. 2017, pp. 53--55. DOI.org (Crossref), doi:10.1192/S2056474000001884.
- Sidhom, Emad, and Mostafa Hussein Omar. "The Nomenclature of Electroconvulsive Therapy." The Journal of ECT, vol. 37, no. 2, June 2021, pp. 128--32. DOI.org (Crossref), doi:10.1097/YCT.0000000000000735.
Nota Smart pastebin clone for Arabic text written in Python.
ACEIII-Calculators A set of tools that help clinicians score the Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination.
More can be found on my Github page.
You can browse all my bookmarks (3500+) in this wiki. All of them are tagged and cover a very wide range of topics. They include a large number of links to pages related to psychiatry & mental health, Egyptian Blogosphere, 2011 Egyptian revolution and human rights. A lot of the links suffer from link rot but may be accessible through the Internet Archive.
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