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🔗 Exceptional racism at the dawn of scientific psychiatry in Brazil: the curious case of Juliano Moreira


Juliano Moreira may have been a case of ‘exceptional racism’, which is a disguised, perhaps refined form of structural racism. We propose to call ‘exceptional racism’ the strategy of socially and institutionally praising outstanding people (persons who are exceptions, extraordinary personalities) from oppressed groups as a way of denying or covering up racism on ideological and political grounds. Such strategies imply an overt, often disproportional, overvaluation of talents as exceptions.

🔗 Academic psychiatry is everyone's business


Research-active clinical organisations are shown to deliver better outcomes and better care, with improved staff recruitment and retention and enhanced morale.6 Instinctively, these are the places we seek out when we need treatment for ourselves or our loved ones. Some psychiatric and mental health services have begun to incorporate protected research and/or education time into job plans, recognising that this is advantageous for enhancing clinical care and training, recruitment and retention.

🔗 مرصد شيرين


مرصد شيرين هو جهد تطوعي بحت من صحفيين زملاء للشهيدة الصحفية شيرين أبو عاقلة، بهدف استكمال عملها الذي قدمت حياتها في سبيله في توثيق وفضح جرائم الاحتلال الاسرائيلي بحق الشعب الفلسطيني، ونقل الحقائق حول ما يجري في فلسطين للعالم، ولتصل رسالة الصحفيين الفلسطينيين للاحتلال بأن قتل شرين لم ولن يوقف الصوت الفلسطيني أو يمنعه أن يصل للعالم، وأن اسم شيرين سيبقى حياً في قلوب الفلسطينيين.

🔗 Gaza Memorial


The goal of The Memorial is to collect the names of the martyrs in the voices of the world, so pronounce them as best you can but most of all just be yourself.

🔗 Salt Fix


Very good results with Caffenol + Salt fix. Takes crazy amount of time though (48 hours with random agitation others report 72 hours). Makes it possible to have zero specialised or harsh chemicals to develop b&w film.

From reading Reinhold's blog about his tests with using salt as a fixer I mixed up 225g of iodized table salt into 750ml of distilled water (equivalent to 300g salt in 1L). It takes a lot of stirring to get that much salt dissolved, that's why I used distilled water, I figured that may help it dissolve. After adding the salt solution to the film I agitated it every now and then for the next 48 hours. The agitation was not on a regular schedule, just whenever I happened by and …