🔗 SCAF Demo - a set on Flickr
صور للمظاهرة خارج مسرح الجلاء ضد انتهاكات الجيش والكشف على عذرية المعتصمات http://is.gd/GYnP6a #NoSCAF /by @lilianwagdy
صور للمظاهرة خارج مسرح الجلاء ضد انتهاكات الجيش والكشف على عذرية المعتصمات http://is.gd/GYnP6a #NoSCAF /by @lilianwagdy
Darul Aman Palace in Kabul http://is.gd/A4MF8m
Mini pearl monuments appear in different places in Bahrain with photos of martyrs http://youtu.be/H6rJOwCLRAo
Composite photo of all the graffiti on the back of Mogama3 el #Tahrir (poorly stitched though) Use Zoom tool for detail http://is.gd/7rtIXf
Fireworks, lightening and a comet in one photo http://is.gd/8nEiiS
Young dissidents in Egypt can't read this WSJ article about safety of online tools they use because of a stupid pay wall http://is.gd/9ija3T
The FreeMedForms project is a high quality medical software suite released in open source. This project is international, free, community driven and totally independent. Since 2008, it brings together volunteer professional (doctors, pharmacists, physiotherapists, computer specialists, students of all specialties) working to provide modern and well finished applications. The project is available for the following computing platforms: Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.
The equivalent of lady gaga in marine life http://youtu.be/MYyFTK0C4Nw
A short animated film on the image of psychiatrists http://youtu.be/70loMcIqd9Q :-)
Revolution uploaded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OxSqk-Cu54
Hossam el Hamalawy and Reem Maged freed after questioning http://youtu.be/TeMLZcmhWdA #NoSCAF
Researchers in Tokyo develop the concept of #avacarr http://youtu.be/ZfpjdXgy8LI /cc @sarahcarr
Richard Stallman cancels lectures at Israeli universities after Palestinians protest. Will speak in Palestine only http://wp.me/ptiD1-66h
عصام الخطيب مدير مركز معلومات يحكي تعذيبة على يد الجيش أيام موقعة الجمل http://is.gd/KyRKjY #NoSCAF #egyarmy #torture
شهادة سلوى الحسيني, عن سوء معاملة الجيش بعد ان اعتقلوها من ميدان التحرير http://is.gd/7pEtqX english subtitles #virginitygate
Fucking cowards go on record "a senior general who asked not to be identified said the virginity tests were conducted" http://is.gd/xragXW
I’ve Gone and Done It Now: What It’s Like Without the Muslim Headscarf /by @NadiaE http://wp.me/pso1T-a7
The Pickett Lens: The Spark (On Tunisia's revolution, great photos) http://is.gd/iyjjsN #Sidibouzid
Thousands of Chinese students hold communist flags to mark 90th anniversary of China's ruling party. http://is.gd/VAguAH
100s of Egyptians didn't die so u [Mahmoud Saad] could replicate same policies of selfcensorship, selfinterest & http://inanities.org/?p=535
الجمعة الماضية لم تكن حاشدة http://flic.kr/p/9MMtQQ #SCAF
LOL #Saudi http://flic.kr/p/4Gc7Ku
طيب أخيرا خلصت المقال بتاع علاء في مره واحدة http://is.gd/cPhhXo
بعد وقفة ناجحة أمام نقابة الأطباء ومسيرة حاشدة تقدر بالمئات من النقابة إلى رئاسة الوزراء http://is.gd/xNwG2J #egydoctors بيان اللجنة العليا
ممكن يا شباب تجاوبوا على الأستبيان السريع ده علشان خاطري. http://goo.gl/7c8qQ