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Life in central Cairo under Sisi:
Life in central Cairo under Sisi:
Hamdy Badeen and Adeel Imam upclose and personal during coptic christian Christmas.
Company that sells basically nothing headed by an ex-policeman who established an NGO to improve relations between people and police before the revolution. Boasts about company's founders and consultants having relations with State Security. He is running for parliament in Menoufeyya.
In Post-Mubarak #Egypt: Victim of #Police Shooting is Detained for Assault http://is.gd/8c4jAk #torture
Police informed prosecutors on 11 May that their prisoner had become "very agitated and deliberately hit his head on the wall of his cell", prompting his transfer to hospital.
A list of SS and ordinary police officers involved in torture.
LinkedIn profile of an ex-police officer.
كارلوس لطوف يدعم يوم الغضب خمسة وعشرين يناير http://waelk.net/node/30 #jan25
Cable about Torture and SS.
Raw video of police and protesters squaring off in the Cairo district of Shubra for the third consecutive day. Demonstrators are angry over the New Year's Eve bombing of a church in Alexandria. [Added January 3, 2011]
فيديو لأحداث الكورنيش اليوم تصوير @sarahcarr http://is.gd/jYHLO
Shadi el ghazaly harb
قال التقرير النفسي الذي صدر بعد فحص سليمان بعد الحادث أن سليمان "مختل نوعًا ما " والسبب أن "الظلام كان يحول مخاوفه إلي أشكال أسطورية خرافية مرعبة تجعله يقفز من الفراش في فزع، وكان الظلام يجعله يتصور أن الأشباح تعيش في قاع الترعة وأنها تخبط الماء بقوة في الليل وهي في طريقها إليه". بناء على رأي أطباء وضباط وقضاة الحكومة، عوقب سليمان لأنهم أثبتوا أن الأشباح التي تخيفه في الظلام اسمها صهيونية.
Change of tone, this case might actually make it to court. Even if the second report doesn't say the cause of death is torture.
Record 1146 shares on Facebook and 3,376 page views.
Mentally ill + AUC graduate + 40 years old + US nationality + Heliopolis.
د.لوزة يعتقد أن احترام حقوق المريض يعني أن تترك مهمة احتجازه بالقوة في المستشفي للشرطة كحل أخير، وأهل المرضي الذين شاركوا في ورشة العمل يؤكدون أن تدخل الشرطة يسبب إهانة للمدمن ولأهله. كما أنهم يعتبرون أن إبلاغ الشرطة عن أبنائهم سلوك غير أخلاقي، ويخلق فجوة لا يمكن إصلاحها بين المدمن وأهله.
Creative Commons licensed political cartoon about torture.
Cairo’s administrative court rejected a case brought by lawyers seeking the expulsion from the police force of two officers convicted of sexually abusing and torturing a man in their custody.
Do bloggers have any influence in changing authoritarian regimes? Egyptian Blogger, Journalist, and activist Wael Abbas is a thorn in the side of the government and got month a million people read his blog. Zeinab Badawi asks; Is he just gaining celebrity status, or is he making a real difference?
RSS feed for latest statements released by the interior ministry.
Sharqawy was eventually released on Oct. 29, after signing a written pledge not to hold religious ceremonies or Christian meetings in his house.
A highly informative article about the case from A-Z.
In accurate but it's on state media now.
“I was treated like sh**,” Azab told Daily News Egypt. “There was everything, verbal humiliation, beating and no food to eat. You had to pay to eat,” he said.