🔗 jonjensen : The Vuvuzela makes its debut in Egypt - at a protest.
@danmcquillan here too http://is.gd/jiXiNX
@danmcquillan here too http://is.gd/jiXiNX
Since 1975, an award-winning forum for political, cultural and literary ideas.
here is one with the face visible on the seal. http://twitpic.com/57xsgx
مدخل وزارة الداخلية المهيب http://twitpic.com/57xqct
The protest is outside the main gates of the ministry of interior. Numbers are less than expected. #KhaledSaid http://twitpic.com/57ubt9
أما زلنا «كلنا خالد سعيد»؟
People gave #KhaledSaid the title of a martyr this swept away any smear campaign by the old regime http://moftasa.net/lOt
أطباء الأسكندرية يطالون بسرعة محاسبة المزورين من أطباء الطب الشرعي #khaledsaid #seba3y http://twitpic.com/4sii24
The official autopsy reports for #KhaledSaid http://www.elshaheeed.co.uk/?p=195
Can say people remained attentive to this case for 3 months. From http://is.gd/jg0bZ
Excellent account to what happened inside the court room today with full and clear details about the legal demands by the lawyers.
Fourth year forensic exam is about Khaled Said!
Change of tone, this case might actually make it to court. Even if the second report doesn't say the cause of death is torture.