🔗 YouTube - زنازين سرية داخل مبني أمن الدولة ب6أكتوبر بعد إقتحامة
Detention cells in State Security branch in 6th of October http://is.gd/euxcsk /via @mrmeit
Detention cells in State Security branch in 6th of October http://is.gd/euxcsk /via @mrmeit
Finfisher intrusion software (spy on email software) proposal by Gamma ~300,000 Euros #amndawla http://post.ly/1hrew
State Security uses a product by a German company called Gamma to hack into our emails & skype accounts http://is.gd/6DcOfs #amndawla
Hello there! Khaled Khalil (KhaledKhalil) is using Qik to share their world from their mobile phone. Qik, the leading mobile video sharing service, lets you record and share the experience with your friends, family and your favorite social networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) - right from your mobile phone. Join Qik and connect with Khaled Khalil (KhaledKhalil)
قائمة بأسماء أكثر من 300 ضابط أمن دولة مأخوذه من وفيات الأهرام لعدد من السنوات #amndawla http://post.ly/1haAn
Diary of the Velvet revolution
@diptychal valid fears &we r very worried that even if we succeed in preventing massive fraud, subtle fraud might happen http://is.gd/sF3MUa
The uprising that started on 25 January 2011 was the result of a long process in which the wall of fear fell, bit by bit http://is.gd/RdsWYb
"قالوا اطمن قلت ازاي و أمن الدولة رايح جاي" http://is.gd/qpkqtf #jan25 #egypt
@hadouta: http://is.gd/v8FsVV
Guide to Safety in the Uprising http://is.gd/AUEnQy #egypt #jan25 (a bit late but still useful info)
Street Medics for Tahrir information on protest safety, first aid, and medical issues.. please help in translation http://m4t.wikidot.com/
More evidence that cannabis raises psychosis risk. http://is.gd/pLKdEP
The Two ‘Youths’ of the Revolution http://bit.ly/fytAwL
Evidence of Libya torture emerges http://is.gd/60qHwd #Libya #feb17
وزيرالصحة الجديد أشرف حاتم يكلف أحمد عكاشة بتعديل اللائحة التنفيذية لقانون الصحة النفسية بدون الرجوع لباقي أصحاب المصلحة http://is.gd/uU0FXI
حلال اللي بيحصل لهم On violence in Egyptian society by @sarahcarr
Gaddafi's 'voluptuous blonde' returns home http://is.gd/AA8rTg #Libya
MEMRI: [Egypt uprising is] doomed to fail in achieving its goals (the ousting of Mubarak and the removal of the regime) http://is.gd/YYn8vW
@mand0z did you ever play Loom? http://is.gd/Lbnr8r
Stencil in Nasr City http://bit.ly/hQDFvg
OpenMesh project that started in response to the shutdown of Internet in Egypt.
Army abusing blindfolded suspects physically, with electric prods and verbally in Port Said. http://is.gd/p813FE #jan25 #egypt #torture
Amr Moussa announced his plans to run for presidency right after a meeting with McCain & Lieberman http://twitpic.com/44eloy #fail #jan25