🔗 Google launches Plus One to rival Facebook's Like button | Media | guardian.co.uk
+1 @guardiantech Google launches Plus One to rival Facebook's Like button http://bit.ly/gJu41D
+1 @guardiantech Google launches Plus One to rival Facebook's Like button http://bit.ly/gJu41D
Mabrouk, we are officially 80 million Egyptians. Population counter on the CAPMAS website passes the 80 million ma http://twitpic.com/4exgsz
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos and learn more about the people they meet.
لبنى نازله التحرير لأسباب وجيهة جدا .. http://youtu.be/xoXehoCtlfQ via @nohaelshoky #jan25 #tahrir1/4
The broadly based demand is that the new constitution establish the principles of liberal democracy in place of a semi-liberal, tutelary kind of democracy run by the military and a civilian bureaucracy committed to Kemalism (Turkish secular nationalism), the official ideology of the republic since its founding in 1923.
عندهم استفتاء في بريطانيا عن نظام التصويت- الحق ياجدع- وانا -طبعا- مع نعم http://is.gd/fdyT2W
@JoeKubrick http://www.youm7.com/News.asp?NewsID=379097
If there is a huge discrepancy between death sentences and executions. Why do we still have it? http://is.gd/eQeItY via @guardiantech #egypt
الدنيا بتتقدم ودول لسه بيقولوا كاميليا http://twitpic.com/4ek3mu (photo by @boody)
Why no one told me about this? Why is this being kept secret from us? http://youtube.com/editor <--- this would have save me so much time.
نص خطبة من أنتم للقذافي على موقع أرشيفي يحتوي كل خطابات الأخ العقيد http://is.gd/zgCIDd #libya #bonkers
كشفت مجموعة وثائق تم تسريبها من أمن الدولة ونشرها ناشط أمريكي على حسابه على تويتر http://is.gd/0XJt4w هييه بقيت ناشط أمريكي
An Interview with Andy Carvin http://bit.ly/g79HFa
I debated putting this in our HowTo area, as VirtualDub is an MS-Windows application, however with the "deshaker" plugin it offers a
On what happened in last general assembly in Drs syndicate by @sarahcarr with background on it's recent history http://inanities.org/?p=475
Video of today's march passing through #Tahrir shot from above http://youtu.be/lML1lJTWZOc #egypt #jan25
مش ده طلعت زكريا واقف تحت اليافطه وعامل علامة النصر في ترافلجر؟ #ukegystyle http://is.gd/ynY2VY
@alaa @AidaElkashef http://twitpic.com/4dnk1g
@fateeore by camels and horses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXwKqmDmuDs
موقعة الحصان #UKEgyStyle http://youtu.be/josHXHnhOt8 بجد في ديسمبر الماضي
يا شباب الضحك لطيف بس الكلام مهم أقروا دي http://is.gd/xHARf1علشان نعرف هم نزلوا ليه وأن ديموقراطية بدون عدالة أجتماعية ظالمة #ukegystyle
نريد تغيير النظام http://plixi.com/p/87068451 #march26 Meme crossing languages and continents? #sidibouzid #jan25
أداء عالي برضو #march26 http://is.gd/IDO6Mr
@CivilEgypt protest at the government's spending cuts. Which I think will affect education, health care & pensions. http://is.gd/naPhLc