🔗 referendum_results_2011 - Google Docs
Egypt's referendum results in English Google Docs http://ur1.ca/3lwdl #egypt #dostor #jan25 #referendum
Egypt's referendum results in English Google Docs http://ur1.ca/3lwdl #egypt #dostor #jan25 #referendum
نتيجة الأستفتاء كوثيقة جووجل دوكس http://ur1.ca/3lwaq #egypt #dostor #referendum #jan25
RT @nmoawad: Flickr photo album on the protest against sectarianism in #Beirut today http://bit.ly/htvdo1 #UniteLB #Lebanon
This page contains computer software and documentation for creating density-equalizing maps or "cartograms" using the technique described in the paper Diffusion-based method for producing density equalizing maps, Michael T. Gastner and M. E. J. Newman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101, 7499-7504 (2004).
This youtube search says it all about the numbers participating in referendum yesterday http://is.gd/cNmqgm #dostor
Blog post: The outcome of the referendum doesn't matter. What matters is the detailed data that will come out http://is.gd/QsKlfH #dostor
I want this machine.
This one looks genuine - توزير الاستفتاء الدستورى فى المنوفية http://bit.ly/dVwzJE via @AalamWassef /cc @aidaseif
LOL, the judges have just retweeted a joke on Hosny! اللجنة العليا للاستفتاء عملة ريتويت لنكتة على حسني #dostor http://twitpic.com/4b578p
I think from this video @elbaradei attack was pre-planned http://bbc.in/i5AL9h
Referendumb http://bit.ly/fN0JOj
Just like the old days but a different uniform. http://twitpic.com/4at4mh Peaceful protester being arrested in #tahrir today.
الشعب يريد اسقاط النديم http://on.fb.me/fzvcb9 #bedan http://twitpic.com/4ao60p
دستور 1971 http://post.ly/1ldrg
Gadafi threatens to "get crazy" on the world in response to NFZ http://ur1.ca/3k60h #libya
A Zimbabwe court has granted bail to six activists accused of treason for attending a lecture about the Egypt uprising. http://is.gd/aPCrKj
It's a good idea to use Twitter with https always on. Go to twitter settings and set https to always on http://imgur.com/0eNve
Egyptians queue to attend a political seminar about constitutional referendum in bibalex. Apathy is dead. http://is.gd/gy9K2e /via mfatta7
أعلان الجمعية الشرعية على الأهرام صفحة أولى http://twitpic.com/4a3th0
شهادة أحد ضحايا التعذيب على يد الجيش http://against-torture.net/node/116 #egypt #torture #army #jan25 [Video]
شهادة أم وليد في نقابة الصحفيين عن أبنها المعتقل من قبل الجيش http://against-torture.net/omwalid #egypt #army [Video]
A friend of @Tarekshalaby was captured by Gadafi forces in Libya and forced him to declare on public television that.. http://is.gd/adzk0e
Video showing a Bahraini protester being shot with live ammunition http://is.gd/ixKCSx #bahrain
شهاده عن المعتقلين من الأقباط http://post.ly/1kxKB
شهادة احد المعتقلين في السجن الحربي http://post.ly/1kvqO