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News, Reviews, Opinion and Community for Coffee and Espresso
a blog by a former Heroin abuser
Dr. Tarek Ali Hassan's blog
Onkosh an Arabic Blogs Search engine. Features tags and latest updates. By Orascom Telecom
or pehaps a moving target.
or pehaps a moving target.
Search the Egyptian Blogosphere
a news blog about the war with graphic pictures that wouldn't be published elsewhere..
war diaries of a 30 year old woman... with love from beirut.
daily humanitarian summary by caritas lebanon in english and french
daily comics by a lebanese guy about the war
interesting blog by a neurologist
Any kind of data - events, reviews, classified ads - can be represented in your blog in machine-readable format so that other services can read and understand it.
Showcasing the BEST of COLORS from Flickr
Medgadget.com is an independent, fast-growing on-line journal of the latest medical gadgets and technologies.
Egyptian blogs are going toe-to-toe with traditional media for the public's trust
a musician blogging about her experiences in egypt and el sakia
A limited opening in Egypt is fertilising the anger, frustration and hope of the country’s young people. Negar Azimi in Cairo reports on their pre-election mood.
ستة درجات من الافتراق تفصل بيننا ... أياً كنا ... وأين كنا
Ritzy is writing to her best friend in school, nowadays the first lady Suzanne Mubarak. She is concerned about daily news, the president’s wife’s hair-do as well as politics – she’s trying to learn about the latter. Sometimes Ritzy is also sharing
برامج أطفال و مسلسلات كارتو
سبع خطايا
a HCV patient blogging
free blog hosting to help the egyptian blogosphere