Posts with the tag « psychiatry » :
🔗 ميثاق شرف للأطباء النفسيين
ميثاق شرف للأطباء النفسيين
مقدمة: لما كنت مهنة الطب النفسى تتميز بسمات دقيقة، و ظروف متشعبة بعيدة عن الوضوح المباشر، رأينا أن نبدأ هذا الميثاق بعرض هذه الظروف التى تبرر وضع ميثاق خاص (بالاضافة الى لائحة آداب المهنة) لتقنين و توجيه الزملاء فى ممارستهم هذه المهنة الكريمة و السامية فى هذه المنطقة الشائكة و فى هذه الظروف الخاصة لهذه المهنة ما يلى:
1- ان الافكار و النظريات و الفروض العلمية، التى تبنى عليها الممارسة العملية، لها جذور و نظريات مختلفة بهذا الفرع فى كل أنحاء العالم و بديهى ان اختلاف النظريات ، يترتب عليه اختلاف التطبيق و الممارسة..
2- أن هذه المهنة مختلطة ( فى اذهان العامة و بعض المختصين من الزملاء الأطباء) مع تخصصات أخرى ليست بالضرورة الطبية، مثل ممارسة التحليل النفسى و الإرشاد النفسى و ما إلى ذلك …
🔗 Medical notes in Egypt.
Main Author Peterson, Frederick, 1859-1938. Language(s) English Published New York, M. J. Rooney, 1893.
🔗 Psychiatry in Ancient Egypt
🔗 Clozapine monitoring requirements: is it time for an update?
Editorial arguing for relaxing the monitoring criteria.
🔗 Exceptional racism at the dawn of scientific psychiatry in Brazil: the curious case of Juliano Moreira
Juliano Moreira may have been a case of ‘exceptional racism’, which is a disguised, perhaps refined form of structural racism. We propose to call ‘exceptional racism’ the strategy of socially and institutionally praising outstanding people (persons who are exceptions, extraordinary personalities) from oppressed groups as a way of denying or covering up racism on ideological and political grounds. Such strategies imply an overt, often disproportional, overvaluation of talents as exceptions.
🔗 Academic psychiatry is everyone's business
Research-active clinical organisations are shown to deliver better outcomes and better care, with improved staff recruitment and retention and enhanced morale.6 Instinctively, these are the places we seek out when we need treatment for ourselves or our loved ones. Some psychiatric and mental health services have begun to incorporate protected research and/or education time into job plans, recognising that this is advantageous for enhancing clinical care and training, recruitment and retention.
🔗 Deuterium in drug discovery: progress, opportunities and challenges
Fascinating review of the D switch which takes common drugs and substitutes one or more hydrogen atoms with deuterium. This leads to changes in the pharmacokinetic profile, often slowing down the metabolism of the drug.
🔗 Ward No. 6 by Anton Chekhov
Ward No. 6 by Anton Chekhov, translated by Constance Garnett
🔗 Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast by David Puder MD
🔗 موقع يحيى الرخاوي
🔗 R. Spitzer and the depathologization of homosexuality: some considerations on the 50th anniversary
Good summary
🔗 Principles of Pharmacology – Study Guide
CC Licensed free Psychopharmacology book with very nice illustrations. Useful study guide.
🔗 Egyptian Mental Health Law (2020)
قانون رقم 210 لسنة 2020 بتعديل بعض أحكام قانون رعاية المريض النفسي رقم 71 لسنة 2009
🔗 Let there be blue-depleted light: in-patient dark therapy, circadian rhythms and length of stay
Scott, J., Langsrud, K., Goulding, I., & Kallestad, H. (2021). Let there be blue-depleted light: In-patient dark therapy, circadian rhythms and length of stay. BJPsych Advances, 27(2), 73-84. doi:10.1192/bja.2020.47
Light is the most important environmental influence (zeitgeber) on the synchronization of the circadian system in humans. Excess light exposure during the evening and night-time affects secretion of the hormone melatonin, which in turn modifies the temporal organization of circadian rhythms, including the sleep–wake cycle. As sleep disturbances are prominent in critically ill medical and psychiatric patients, researchers began to examine the impact of light exposure on clinical outcomes and length of hospitalization. In psychiatric inpatients, exposure to bright morning light or use of blue blocking glasses have proved useful interventions for mood …
🔗 OpenNotes
OpenNotes is an international movement advocating for greater transparency in healthcare. Through research and education, we identify and disseminate best practices for sharing medical information with patients and their care partners.
🔗 URMC Psychiatry Grand Rounds
AI video summary
00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In this Psychiatry Grand Rounds video, Dr. Carl Raymond discusses the myths and realities surrounding the current landscape for LGBTQ+ individuals. They emphasize the importance of creating a more inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ students and educating allies. The speaker highlights the impact of legislation on the transgender community, with some states becoming sanctuaries while others restrict rights, leading to internal migration and a refugee crisis. They also debunk myths about the legitimacy of trans people and the harmful disinformation spread about gender-affirming care for individuals under 18. The speaker addresses tactics used to slow down progress in LGBTQ+ rights, such as the misuse of terms like "grooming" and flawed studies on rapid onset gender dysphoria. They emphasize the need …
🔗 A leaky umbrella has little value: evidence clearly indicates the serotonin system is implicated in depression
A recent “umbrella” review examined various biomarkers relating to the serotonin system, and concluded there was no consistent evidence implicating serotonin in the pathophysiology of depression. We present reasons for why this conclusion is overstated, including methodological weaknesses in the review process, selective reporting of data, over-simplification, and errors in the interpretation of neuropsychopharmacological findings. We use the examples of tryptophan depletion and serotonergic molecular imaging, the two research areas most relevant to the investigation of serotonin, to illustrate this.
🔗 International Migration of Doctors, and Its Impact on Availability of Psychiatrists in Low and Middle Income Countries
Migration of health professionals from low and middle income countries to rich countries is a large scale and long-standing phenomenon, which is detrimental to the health systems in the donor countries. We sought to explore the extent of psychiatric migration.
In our study, we use the respective professional databases in each country to establish the numbers of psychiatrists currently registered in the UK, US, New Zealand, and Australia who originate from other countries. We also estimate the impact of this migration on the psychiatrist population ratios in the donor countries.
We document large numbers of psychiatrists currently registered in the UK, US, New Zealand and Australia originating from India (4687 psychiatrists), Pakistan (1158), Bangladesh (149) , Nigeria (384) , Egypt (484), Sri Lanka (142), Philippines (1593). For …
🔗 Quality of life and human rights conditions in a public psychiatric hospital in Cairo
!!! Purpose
There is no documented evidence on service users’ perceptions of quality of care and observance of human rights in mental health residential facilities in Egypt after the new mental health law passed in 2009. The purpose of this paper is to investigate El-Abbassia Mental Health Hospital in Cairo. Special attention is paid as to the variety of human rights violations which are experienced by the users and the context in which these violations occur.
!!! Design/methodology/approach
A cross-sectional study was performed relying on 36 depth interviews with patients, 58 staff members and 15 family members, reviews of documents and observations by an independent assessment team consisting of the author, another psychiatrist, a nurse and a family member using the World Health Organization Quality Rights Tool …
🔗 الدكتور أحمد عكاشة لـ«المصري اليوم» السيسي غير مؤهل ليكون «فرعون»
"سمات السيسى الشخصية بعيدة عن أن يكون فرعونا."
🔗 Post-traumatic stress disorder: clinical and translational neuroscience from cells to circuits
In this Review, we describe the clinical features and current treatments for PTSD, examine the neurobiology of symptom domains, highlight genomic advances and discuss translational approaches to understanding mechanisms and identifying new treatments and interventions for this devastating syndrome.
🔗 تعليمات «الصحة النفسية» : إبعاد المرضى عن الشمس وشرب السوائل والاستحمام وتوفير مراوح
Heat-stroke kills 10 patients in Khanka hospital in 2015
🔗 Mohamed Fakhr El-Islam, MD
Biography of Dr Fakhr el-Islam
🔗 Bupropion and varenicline added to WHO list of essential medicine
On 1 October 2021, the WHO announced the updated the Model List. Prior to this update, only nicotine replacement therapy was listed as an essential medicine for people who wish to stop using tobacco. Nicotine replacement therapy works by supplying nicotine in an alternative form, such as chewing gum or patches for a limited period, which helps reduce the nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
After the update, two new medicines have now been added, indicating a powerful shift in the fight against the tobacco epidemic. Bupropion and varenicline are medicines which work in a different way from nicotine replacement. The new medicines reduce cravings for nicotine without supplying a nicotine substitute, thereby supporting people in quitting tobacco use and reducing nicotine dependence.