Posts with the tag « medicine » :

🔗 The first open source 3D atlas of human anatomy


In less than two years, 'Z-Anatomy' gathered more than 5.000 tridimensional anatomical structures and labels with more than 3500 definitions in two fully functional open source viewers.

Available for free in 5 languages, it progressively becomes an open alternative to all the students, the Health Professional and the Researchers willing to use 3D models; promoting the collaboration in Sciences through its CC-BY-SA license.

🔗 حان وقت جلد الذات: العيادات الميدانية


ان الظهور التلقائي والتطوعي للعيادات الميدانية في الميادين والشوارع بوسط البلد من أكثر المشاهد ارتباطا بالثورة. فهؤلاء هم في النهاية مجموعة من الأطباء المتطوعين الساهرين في اكثر المناطق خطورة يستنشقون جميع أنواع الغازات، يتعرضون لضغط نفسي وعصبي غير عادي بل ويصلهم في بعض الأحيان قدرا لا بأس به من الرصاص والعنف وامتهان الكرامة وتشويه السمعة.

هذا وقد يعتبر الطبيب الشاب علاء عبد الهادي خير مثال علي التضحيات التي قام بها هؤلاء الأطباء الشجعان سواء كان ذلك دفاعا عن فكر أو موقف أو عقيدة، أو مجرد لأداء مهمة إنسانية.

ولكن الوقت قد يكون حان لبعضا من الإنصاف والمراجعة لعمل العيادات الميدانية ومدي نجاحها في تحقيق هدفها الأساسي: صحة المواطنين المصريين.

في الثمانية عشر يوما الأولي من الثورة ونظرا للأعداد الغفيرة من المواطنين المترددين علي الميدان، أصبح المستشفي الميداني نقطة …

🔗 Large language models propagate race-based medicine

Large language models (LLMs) are being integrated into healthcare systems; but these models may recapitulate harmful, race-based medicine. The objective of this study is to assess whether four commercially available large language models (LLMs) propagate harmful, inaccurate, race-based content when responding to eight different scenarios that check for race-based medicine or widespread misconceptions around race. Questions were derived from discussions among four physician experts and prior work on race-based medical misconceptions believed by medical trainees. We assessed four large language models with nine different questions that were interrogated five times each with a total of 45 responses per model. All models had examples of perpetuating race-based medicine in their responses. Models were not always consistent in their responses when asked the same question repeatedly. LLMs are being proposed …

🔗 OpenNotes


OpenNotes is an international movement advocating for greater transparency in healthcare. Through research and education, we identify and disseminate best practices for sharing medical information with patients and their care partners.

🔗 SBAR - Wikipedia


SBAR is an acronym for Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation; a technique that can be used to facilitate prompt and appropriate communication. This communication model has gained popularity in healthcare settings, especially amongst professions such as physicians and nursing. It is a way for health care professionals to communicate effectively with one another, and also allows for important information to be transferred accurately. The format of SBAR allows for short, organized and predictable flow of information between professionals.

Related to:

  • SOAP notes

🔗 Medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids: questions and answers for policymaking |


"What is the evidence base for the medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids? What is the difference between cannabis preparations and medicinal products and why is this important? How is this issue regulated in the EU? These and other questions are explored in this report which responds to growing interest in this topic as more European countries develop policies and practice in this area."

🔗 Psychiatric assessment and treatment of survivors of torture | BJPsych Advances

Torture remains an ongoing global problem. Many individuals who have migrated from areas of conflict and political instability have suffered some form of torture. Survivors of torture can present significant challenges to general practitioners, voluntary bodies and mental health services. This article describes the many physical, psychological and social effects of torture. An understanding of these will hopefully aid comprehensive assessment of survivors of torture by local mental health teams. Also described are the current treatment options and their evidence base.

🔗 EthnoMed


This website provides cultural information and background on different refugee and immigrant communities including information about culture, language, health, illness, and community resources. Useful to health care providers who see patients from different ethnic groups.