🔗 The Rab’a Massacre and Mass Killings of Protesters in Egypt - HRW
This by @HRW still stands alone as the most forensic account of what happened that day:
This by @HRW still stands alone as the most forensic account of what happened that day:
«بوابة الشروق» تبحث عن إجابة السؤال الصعب: كم عدد ضحايا فض رابعة؟
RT @adamakary: According to first google doc to emerge w names of those killed #Aug14 via @ahmed3zat, at least 1,300 dead. #Egypt https://t…
مسيرة الأقباط مرورا بالمذبحة ورواية الشهود والمستشفى الى الجنازة