🔗 Supported Media for Google Chromecast
We have the Chromecast Gen 2 and it supports: * H.264 High Profile up to level 4.1 (720p/60fps or 1080p/30fps) * VP8 (720p/60fps or 1080p/30fps)
We have the Chromecast Gen 2 and it supports: * H.264 High Profile up to level 4.1 (720p/60fps or 1080p/30fps) * VP8 (720p/60fps or 1080p/30fps)
NVENC GPU Encoding for faster video file conversion.
Israel killed 11,500 kids in few months. Video to visualize what this looks like.
WebTorrent is a streaming torrent client for the web browser and the desktop.
WebTorrent is written completely in JavaScript – the language of the web – and uses WebRTC for peer-to-peer transport whenever possible. No browser plugins, extensions, or installation is required to use WebTorrent in your browser.
Virtual trips
Videos from around the world.
2000 videos, with an average length of 45 minutes per video, totaling some 700gbs.
Everything is organized by Discipline->Subfield->individual-> course or lecture series. It's mostly non-introductory content.
The psychology section is far and away the most substantive of the three fields, with an emphasis on Psychodynamics, Neuropsychoanalysis, Rogerian/person-centered approaches, and Social Psychology.
The Neuroscience section has a modest amount of anatomy, and leans towards perception, affective neuroscience, and other such frivolity.
The philosophy section is a basic overview with a slight bent towards cognition, and is perfect for winning internet arguments (or whatever it is that philosophy is supposed to be for)
Clinical Tips video series is designed to improve therapist effectiveness and is intended for Mental Health Professionals and graduate students in mental health fields.
AI neural network that interpolates frames in a video with depth awareness.
Experts Dr. Beth Molnar, Northeastern University, and Karen Kalergis, Northeastern University Consultant, provide an overview of the OVC Vicarious Trauma Toolkit and how to use the toolkit to help your organization become trauma-informed in this recorded webinar.
More brilliant talks from past meetings here:
This is how you deal with sexual harassment.
Azza Hilal Soliman who was beaten by army soldier in the Qasr el-Einy events in December 2011.
مسيرة الأقباط مرورا بالمذبحة ورواية الشهود والمستشفى الى الجنازة
الجيش و الشعب١: "احنا عوزين حرية" http://against-torture.net/node/150 #egyarmy #video
Live from in front of the parliament http://is.gd/GSQeqC (via @MaLek)
A series of lectures by the UC San Diego's Center for Anthropogeny on the Evolution of Human Biodiversity http://is.gd/jbr77q #evolution
Raw video of police and protesters squaring off in the Cairo district of Shubra for the third consecutive day. Demonstrators are angry over the New Year's Eve bombing of a church in Alexandria. [Added January 3, 2011]
فيديو لأحداث الكورنيش اليوم تصوير @sarahcarr http://is.gd/jYHLO
تقرير العاشرة مساءا بخصوص نقل مستشفى العباسية http://goo.gl/mQjQJ (hat tip @sarahcarr)
The Video Journal of Psychiatry is an on-line psychiatry resource dedicated to supporting Lifelong Learning and Continuing Medical Education for psychiatrists in Ireland. All material is contributed by international psychiatry experts, both practitioner and researcher.
Help us collect videos about Egypt parliamentary elections 2010
Egypt's parliament is due to vote on a law that would reform the treatment of hospital patients. Today thousands of patients, abandoned by their families, are interned in psychiatric hospitals.