Pen Birolund!!!
Pen Birolund!!!
“I swear to God that I didn’t hurt him in any way. I’ve been wronged. I’m clean of all charges. My daughters can’t even go to the club anymore because of these charges against me,” Suleiman shouted from the dock when asked to speak by the judge.
Ibrahim says that she sustained an injury to her knee when she was dragged down the stairs of her building from her second floor apartment outside to the street. She says she was horrified by the fact that her neighbors saw her in her house clothes, unveiled and in a short-sleeved dress.
whoever who screams loudest will win in the end
زيادة أعداد الوقفات الاحتجاجية والإضرابات تستلزم زيادة النفقات
Egypt is ahead of industrialized nations walahy.
1 April 2009
Don't rely on the police, If you suspect it report it to ... Youtube!
تبين أن «الفلاشة» والأقراص المدمجة التى ذكرت تحريات المباحث أنها تحتوى على مسح وخرائط للقرى الحدودية بين مصر وإسرائيل، وشفرات للتواصل مع قيادات حزب الله، فارغة ولا تحتوى على أى شىء، خلافا لما أقر به المتهم نمر فهمى سليمان من قبل، حيث ذكر فى تحقيقات سابقة أن الأحراز التى ضمت «فلاشة وسيديهات» احتوت على خرائط ومسوح تفصيلية لأماكن وقرى سياحية بسيناء ،كما أنها تحوى شفرة التخاطب مع مسئولى الحزب بلبنان. وقال نمر فى التحقيقات التى استكملت مساء أمس الأول إنه «اضطر للأدلاء بتلك الاعترافات تحت وطأة الظروف التى تعرض لها أثناء احتجازه».
Agent provocateur is a person employed by the police or other entity to act undercover to entice or provoke another person to commit an illegal act.
Moftasa influencing public opinion by conspiracy theories.
Vodafone Hands Data To Egyptian Police. (I am sure the two other providers did the same.)
I was repeatedly questioned about everything and I was terrified. Although I was not abused physically, I was blind-folded all the time. Officers kept saying to me: "Do you know what we can do to you?", and I was threatened with long term imprisonment. They asked me if I supported Hamas, was working for Israel, and, being Christian, if I was an evangelist. I was never informed of any charges against me.”
On Saturday morning, outside the public prosecution office an unpleasant state security officer said to Philip Rizk's father, “rabbina yetamminak” [may God comfort you]. He may of meant this genuinely, but coming from him it sounded like a warning, or a joke.
نقطة شرطة (كمين) القلج
“The march is a reminder of the continuing suffering in Palestine, which is a political problem — we don’t want to join the humanitarian bandwagon,” said Rizk, adding that 85 percent of Gazans rely on aid.
An Egyptian police woman arrests a Muslim Brotherhood activist during a rally in support of Palestinians in Gaza in downtown Cairo, Wednesday, Jan. 21.
اعتقلات لكل اعضاء جروبات الالتراس من منازلهم
CAIRO: Egyptian security forces arrested tens of demonstrators in Downtown Cairo as they protested the Israeli bombing of Gaza on Wednesday.
Women were violently attacked by both the police and other farmers who stand to gain from the eviction.
An FAQ about how to deal with police in Egypt. Flash version, can be read directly.
A photoset on flickr
قسم شرطة بولاق الدكرور
1st of june protests