Posts with the tag « productivity » :
🔗 Things you're allowed to do
This is a list of things you’re allowed to do that you thought you couldn’t, or didn’t even know you could.
I haven’t tried everything on this list, mainly due to cost. But you’d be surprised how cheap most of the things on this list are (especially the free ones).
Note that you can replace “hire” or “buy” with “barter for” or “find a DIY guide to” nearly everywhere below. E.g. you can clean the bathroom in exchange for your housemate doing a couple hours research for you.
🔗 Productivity tips, tricks and hacks for academics (2015 edition) - Matt Might
Read below for a write-up of the time-saving tips and tricks I've accumulated over the last few years.
🔗 Nullboard
Nullboard is a minimalist take on a kanban board / a task list manager, designed to be compact, readable and quick in use.
A single local html file.
🔗 Interstitial Journaling
A way to combine note-taking, tasks, and time tracking in one unique workflow.
🔗 Quick and practical introduction to Zettelkasten note taking
''Tag the notes by the context you would like to retrieve it by''
Example: You have a note on Stanford prison experiment. Using tags like #psychology #experiment is hardly going to aid you in finding this note when you are writing or thinking about a problem. Better would be #"power dynamics in groups" #"misuse of power" <<<
🔗 Loop
Loop is a mobile app that helps you create and maintain good habits, allowing you to achieve your long-term goals. Detailed graphs and statistics show you how your habits improved over time. It is completely ad-free and open source.
🔗 Nototo
Place notes on map to create a memory palace
🔗 Johnny.Decimal home · J•D
A system for organising data using numerical index in the names of folders.
🔗 BISAC folder classification root. (More than 4000 empty folders to classify Ebooks.) : datacurator
->tldr; I made a zip file with 4000+ topic folders to organise an ebook collection. No books included!
🔗 BISAC Subject Codes - Book Industry Study Group
The BISAC Subject Headings List, also known as the BISAC Subject Codes List, is a standard used by many companies throughout the supply chain to categorize books based on topical content. The Subject Heading applied to a book can determine where the work is shelved in a brick and mortar store or the genre(s) under which it can be searched for in an internal database.
🔗 naming-slides.pdf
using underscore and dashes help recover metadata
🔗 Going Paperless: File Naming Methodology | holscher
TYPE – YYYYMMDD – Description (explanatory word) – VERSION.extension
🔗 Why procrastination is about managing emotions, not time - BBC Worklife
"“When someone finally recognises that procrastination isn’t a time management problem but is instead an emotion regulation problem, then they are ready to embrace my favourite tip,” says Pychyl.
🔗 How to annotate literally everything | Mildly entertainingᵝ
Comprehensive overview of existing tools, strategies and thoughts on interacting with your data
🔗 Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities
An open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities.
🔗 Using advanced search - Help Center
If you are using Gmail and you are trying to finish some work try this search "is:unread in:inbox" without the quotes.
🔗 Zoho Viewer - Online document viewer
upload your office document, share it with your friends or embed it in blogs. pdf,doc,ppt etc..
🔗 Seth's Blog: Hurry!
You will succeed in the face of change when you make the difficult decisions first.