Posts with the tag « open-source » :

🔗 Peek - an animated GIF recorder


Very useful!

Peek makes it easy to create short screencasts of a screen area. It was built for the specific use case of recording screen areas, e.g. for easily showing UI features of your own apps or for showing a bug in bug reports. With Peek, you simply place the Peek window over the area you want to record and press "Record". Peek is optimized for generating animated GIFs, but you can also directly record to WebM if you prefer.

🔗 Making a font


This month I decided to learn how to make a font to use in my comic hakum. Previously, I was drawing the text digitally with my pen tablet. The result was fine, but sometimes difficult to read(the text would grow and shrink often in one page). I didn't want to use an existing font, so I decided to make one based on my own handwriting. A font would keep my writing legible, and consistent throughout the comic.

Nice brief tutorial on how to make a font with Fontforge.

🔗 Speech-to-text with Whisper: How I Use It & Why

Whisper, from OpenAI, is a new open source tool that "approaches human level robustness and accuracy on English speech recognition"; "Moreover, it enables transcription in multiple languages, as well as translation from those languages into English."

This is a really useful (and free!) tool. I have started using it regularly to make transcripts and captions (subtitles), and am writing to share how, and why, and my reflections on the ethics of using it. You can try Whisper using this website where you can upload audio files to transcribe; to run it on your own computer, skip down to "Logistics".

🔗 Mayavoz


mayavoz is a Pytorch-based opensource toolkit for speech enhancement. It is designed to save time for audio practioners & researchers. It provides easy to use pretrained speech enhancement models and facilitates highly customisable model training.

🔗 Open Source Game Clones


This site tries to gather open-source or source-available remakes of great old games in one place. If you think that something is missing from the list - please go to our GitHub repository and create an issue or even a pull request!

Since all these projects are open-source you can help them and make this world a better place. Or at least you can play something to appreciate the effort people put in them.



OCRmyPDF adds an optical character recognition (OCR) text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched.

PDF is the best format for storing and exchanging scanned documents. Unfortunately, PDFs can be difficult to modify. OCRmyPDF makes it easy to apply image processing and OCR to existing PDFs.

🔗 microStudio


microStudio is an integrated game development environment. It includes all the tools you need to create your first video game! microStudio offers all the following possibilities:

  • a sprite editor
  • a map editor
  • a code editor to program in microScript, Python, JavaScript or Lua
  • import sounds and music
  • export your project to HTML5, Android (APK), Windows, macOS or Linux in a single click.
  • Make changes live to your game, while you are playing it
  • work in teams with instant synchronizations (microStudio online)
  • Explore and pick elements from public projects contributed by the community
  • New: Access accelerated 2D and 3D libs Pixi.js and Babylon.js

microStudio is easy to learn, thanks to its interactive tutorials and documentation.

🔗 Gadgetbridge


Gadgetbridge is an Android (4.4+) application which will allow you to use your Pebble, Mi Band, Amazfit Bip and HPlus device (and more) without the vendor's closed source application and without the need to create an account and transmit any of your data to the vendor's servers.

🔗 Mu - Palm OS Emulator


Mu is the first Palm OS emulator capable of actually playing Palm games. It is currently capable of playing most 160×160 Palm OS 4 software perfectly. There are a few hardware abstraction glitches and sound FIFO inaccuracies but other than that the device works and the audio plays normally, with no hacks done to the OS.

🔗 Kexi


<>KEXI is a visual database applications creator. It can be used for designing database applications, inserting and editing data, performing queries, and processing data. Forms can be created to provide a custom interface to your data. All database objects – tables, queries, forms, reports – are stored in the database, making it easy to share data and design. <<<<

🔗 TempleOS

<>TempleOS is a biblical-themed lightweight operating system (OS) designed to be the Third Temple prophesied in the Bible. It was created by American programmer Terry A. Davis, who developed it alone over the course of a decade after a series of manic episodes that he later described as a revelation from God. <<<<

🔗 croc


croc is a tool that allows any two computers to simply and securely transfer files and folders. AFAIK, croc is the only CLI file-transfer tool that does all of the following:

allows any two computers to transfer data (using a relay)
provides end-to-end encryption (using PAKE)
enables easy cross-platform transfers (Windows, Linux, Mac)
allows multiple file transfers
allows resuming transfers that are interrupted
local server or port-forwarding not needed
ipv6-first with ipv4 fallback
can use proxy, like tor