Posts with the tag « tiddlywiki » :
🔗 Saq's links - Useful TW resources
Saq Imtiaz's useful TW links and plugins.
🔗 Grok TiddlyWiki
Grok TiddlyWiki is a textbook that helps you build a deep, lasting understanding of and proficiency with TiddlyWiki through a combination of detailed explanations, practical exercises, and spaced-repetition reviews of prompts called takeaways.
🔗 Bookmarklet to quickly post to TW
<<<To use the bookmarklet, optionally highlight some text on a web page you'd like to copy. Then click on the bookmarklet in your browser. A pop up message will appear that you can copy (use ctrl-c) and then close the pop up window. Then go to your wiki and click ctrl-v to paste it. <<<
🔗 TiddlyRemember
TiddlyRemember is a tool that integrates the TiddlyWiki non-linear note-taking system with the spaced-repetition-flashcards tool Anki. You can interleave questions with your notes in TiddlyWiki, then sync them into Anki notes with one click. You can edit and move the questions around your TiddlyWiki, and they will stay connected to the Anki notes. Scheduling information in Anki is preserved when editing notes in TiddlyWiki.
🔗 FilterGenerators
TiddlyTools: "Small Tools for Big Ideas!" -- Eric Shulman's power tool to generate TiddlyWiki filters and an excellent Tag Cloud code.
🔗 Tiddlywiki Toolmap
Over 600 plugins and add-ons for Tiddlywiki
🔗 Tiddler Commander
Tiddler Commander, in short Commander is a unique tool for batch operations on tiddlers. Commander has the below features
- Bulk tiddler creation/deletion
- Combo search to filter and select tiddlers
- Title operation: add, remove prefixes and suffixes, also remove cahras form begining and end of title (on renaming tiddlers, relink can be used to update title in other tiddlers)
- Tag operation: add, remove, replace
- Field operation: add, remove, rename, and set field value
- SNR, search and replace in all fields including text, tags, title, and common fields
- Inspect, to review and inspect tiddlers in one place, scroll among them and edit all fields (including common fields), tags, text (title is an exception!)
- Log, create logs of all operations
- Search, save and load any combination of filter search
🔗 Refnotes Plugin — Create the plugin
Refnotes is a set of macros and stylesheets for creating abbreviations, footnotes and citations. It also makes tables of footnotes, abbreviations (glossaery) and references (bibliography table).
🔗 RTL Tiddlers in TiddlyWiki 5 – Guy Rutenberg
RTL support for TiddlyWiki -- pretty easy.
🔗 StretchText ⟼ — an alternative to links and pop-ups
StretchText is an hypertext concept. Ted Nelson coined the term around 1967 (ref). It enables authoring text for different readers with of interest or knowledge. It's an alternative to links and pop-ups but it lets the reading stay in the text.
🔗 referencescollective — A central TW references & resources portal
Tiddlywiki formatting reference
🔗 Tiddlywiki Guide.pdf
TiddlyWiki Formatting Cheat Sheet
🔗 How to build a digital garden with TiddlyWiki - Ness Labs
An interesting TiddlyWiki configuration. Uses backlinks and transclusion.