I hate Lebb even more now
Warning! This post is very old and may contain information or opinions that are no longer valid or embarrassing.
Last Sunday, a father and mother came to the ER with their young daughter. A cute 1 year old was in severe stridor, dyspneic and breathing rapidly.
The mother said that the girl's father was watching TV and enjoying some Lebb. He offered his daughter one, the girl choked on it in seconds.
"What the .." I shouted in their face. "Why would you do that ? Don't you know that ..." I found it ridiculous to lecture the parents while the girl is making all those noises. I stopped turned to the resident doctor who told me to stop complaining and take the girl to the x-ray and cardio-thoracic.
I couldn't help myself, I just treated the father the worst treatment ever. While taking the girl to the cardio-thoracic surgeons. I gave him looks called him "Mr. Smart", "Mr. Genius", "Mr. Responsible". But they were so cold, gah I am sure they didn't bring their daughter right away. May be the noises she was making didn't let them sleep.
I calmed down when the resident doctors, decided that after they remove the Lebb. To bring the case to the police for neglect.