Killing 300,000 thousand innocent pigs is the most gruesome act of unjustifiable killing of animals I will ever witness
Warning! This post is very old and may contain information or opinions that are no longer valid or embarrassing.
I said this earlier and unfortunately I did witness a part of it on Youtube and Vimeo and it is horrible.
- Sign a petition against the killing.
I know petitions are of no value when it comes to changing policies here. But they make you feel a bit better.
Or perhaps not.
Sorry to bring this to your attention again, it is very depressing.
UPDATE: Thanks to Lobna for pointing out that I am challenged in arithmetics! The title of this post should be either 300 thousand or 300,000.
I'm trying to find out how people reacted in this. I wasn't here at the time and came back just two days ago. Could you please give me a clue on how average people reacted?
humm are you sure it's "300,000 thousand" ? :)
lol, clever .. sometimes when you are upset you don't see things like that.