D Switch

While reading The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin, which I am enjoying very much, I fell into a Wikipedia rabbit hole.

I wanted to read more about our Sun, this led me to reading a bit about nuclear fusion which in turn made me read a bit about deuterium which then sent me indirectly to this paper about the 'D Switch'.

Di Martino, R.M.C., Maxwell, B.D. & Pirali, T. Deuterium in drug …

Digital Resources for Mental Health Professionals: Access Scientific Literature

in «Psychiatry, Psychology, Medicine & Mental Health» by moftasa

This post is part of a multi-series of posts on digital resources for mental health professionals.

As clinicians we are required to keep up with new knowledge in our fields. However, this isn't always possible as a lot of research is published in journals that don't offer free full text of their articles.

Not all of us work in places that can afford institutional access to scientific journals and sometimes when we do, this access …

Digital Resources for Mental Health Professionals: Document Creation (Part 6)

This is part 6 of a series on document creation. Which is part of a multi-series of posts on digital resources for mental health professionals.

Free and Open Source software (FOSS)

It may not be a priority for you if you work in mental health care to think about the licence of the software tool you are using. But I really think you should care! It is so important to make sure that you rely …

Digital Resources for Mental Health Professionals: Document Creation (Part 5)

This is part 5 of a series on document creation. Which is part of a multi-series of posts on digital resources for mental health professionals.

WYSIWYG vs Markdown

This is a quick comparison between WYSIWYG editors (such as Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer) and using markdown (MD) editors.

Modify document layout while thinking about the content of the document. Save time and focus on content of your document
End result looks exactly like …

Digital Resources for Mental Health Professionals: Document Creation (Part 4)

This is part 4 of a series on document creation. Which is part of a multi-series of posts on digital resources for mental health professionals.


Markdown Logo

Markdown is a simple and fast markup language that can be used to format most documents. Using a plain-text editor you can write books, reports, presentations, mindmaps, personal notes, blog posts and so on. Different types of software can convert the text file to the relevant format (for example …

قانون فصل متعاطي المخدرات من الوظيفة فاسد

بحسب المنصة:

نظم موظفون سابقون بعدد من الهيئات الحكومية، أمس الأربعاء، وقفة احتجاجية بساحة حزب المحافظين، تزامنًا مع احتفالات الحزب بعيد العمال، للتظلم من قرارات إنهاء خدمتهم، بناء على تقارير لجان تحليل المخدرات.

أدى القانون لما هو كان متوقع:

  • فصل الكثير من الموظفين من عملهم.
  • وصمهم وحرمانهم من العمل بقية حياتهم.

أنتقدت القانون رقم 73 لسنة 2021 من عدة سنوات بسبب عدد من الإشكاليات في وجهة نظري (أهمها):

  1. القانون لا يرى الإدمان كمرض أو …

Digital Resources for Mental Health Professionals: Document Creation (Part 3)

This is part 3 of a series on document creation. Which is part of a multi-series of posts on digital resources for mental health professionals.

Markup Languages

This can sound intimidating at first but it isn't really that hard.

As opposed to WYSIWYG word processors like Word, writing documents using markup languages comes from the concept of separating the content of text from its styling. In a previous post I mentioned why WYSIWYG can be …

Digital Resources for Mental Health Professionals: Document Creation (Part 2)

This is part 2 of a series on document creation. Which is part of a multi-series of posts on digital resources for mental health professionals.

Right-to-Left Documents

While using WYSIWYG editors, I often see colleagues right justifying Arabic text instead of using the Right-To-Left (RTL) button to change the text direction. This breaks the order of characters in a line because of the way the software displays right-to-left languages compared to the default left-to-right latin …

Digital Resources for Mental Health Professionals: Document Creation (Part 1)

This is part 1 of a series on document creation. Which is part of a multi-series of posts on digital resources for mental health professionals.


WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get. It is a type of computer software that allows you to edit your document in a form that resembles the finished product (printed or displayed on screen). A word processor such as Microsoft Word is an example of a …

مصادر موثوقة لفهم الاضطرابات والعلاجات النفسية

كثيرا ما أتلقى طلبات من زملاء حول مصادر موثوقة يمكن إعطاءها للمرضى لمعرفة المزيد عن الاضطرابات والعلاجات النفسية. ولأن الأنترنت عليه كل شيء يصعب على أغلب المرضى التعرف على المصادر الجيدة بدون مساعدة، بالإضافة إلى انتشار المواقع الصحافية الغير مهنية والمحتوى المكتوب بإستخدام الذكاء الإصطناعي التوليدي المليئ بالأخطاء.

مصادر باللغة العربية

  1. دليل الأمانة العامة للصحة النفسية وعلاج الإدمان
  2. كتاب حكايات التعب والشفاء للدكتور نبيل القط
  3. معلومات عن الصحة النفسية من الكلية الملكية للطب النفسي (مترجم …