20 Websites That Try To Preserve Palestinian Memory

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

A dramatic poster made of 3 colors, men and women are raising their fists in the air in front of a map of the earth and olive branches. One person is wearing a Keffiyeh

This is a collection of websites that I came across over the years that try to preserve something about Palestine. Photos, art, literature or information. These are fantastic initiatives that I thought I would like to share them here.

The Palestinian Museum Digital Archive
showcases different aspects of Palestinian life and history. Visitors can explore collections of scanned documents like IDs, letters, photos and more contributed by many Palestinians. You can browse topics like culture, resistance, displacement, daily life and education.
Country of Words: A Transnational Atlas for Palestinian Literature
a website that follows the history of Palestinian literature from the 20th century, starting in the Arab world and moving through Europe, North America, and Latin America.
Palestinian Sound Archive
a series of audio episodes by Mo'min Swaitat showcasing a large collection of vintage cassette recordings of different genres and field recordings from Palestine.
a digital archive and library with "the aim to digitally document, preserve and reclaim Palestinian embroidery."
Palestine Remembered
a huge bilingual website that offers all Palestinians the ability to preserve their memories and experiences. It is a comprehensive source of information about the villages and cities that were ethnically cleansed, looted, and destroyed by the Israeli army.
The Interactive Encyclopedia of the Palestine Question
a website that traces the history of modern Palestine, from the end of the Ottoman era to the present.
The Palestine Chronology
a daily diary that documents the political and military events of the Israeli occupation of Palestine since 1982. Has more than 15,000 entries.
Palestine Memory
an Arabic archive that aims to document the Palestinian national movement through a database that preserves the documents of political groups, civil society and families.
The Palestinian Oral History Archive
an AUB project that houses an archival collection of around 1,000 hours of testimony with first generation Palestinians in Lebanon.
an online public library that "aims to make knowledge on Palestine and its anticolonial struggle more accessible."
Deir Yassin Remembered
a website that was founded to educate the public about the 1948 massacre of more than 100 Palestinian civilians by Jewish terrorists at the village of Deir Yassin and to seek justice to the victims of the massacre.
The Palestine Poster Project Archives
hosts a huge collection (20K) of posters from or about Palestine. Dan Walsh started collecting in the mid-1970s, some of the posters date back to 1900. The site is still active and has added a large number of posters in the past few months.
Decolonize Palestine
an independent website founded by two Palestinians living in Ramallah. It offers accessible information and FAQs on the occupation, Nakba, etc...
Palestine Museum (US)
a museum in Connecticut, USA that tries to preserve Palestinian history and showcase the Palestinian experience. The website has a virtual tour.
Cine palestino
an archive of Palestinian cinematography and audiovisual works. The website is in Spanish.
Google street view but for the occupation. What does it feel like to move next to endless concrete barriers with barbed wire and surveillance?
a movement by artists to create original artworks based on the photos taken by photojournalists in Gaza during the current genocidal war.
Birzeit University Museum
hosts a collection of art, textiles and amulets.
DAF's Collection of Palestinian Fine Art
worth checking out. I didn't know that Ghassan Kanafani was into painting.
The Last factory of the original Palestinian Kufiya
the website of the last Kufiya manufacturer in Palestine.
The Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA)
a Palestinian think tank founded in 1987, conducts research and promotes dialogue on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The website is full of resources such as maps, posters, videos and historical documents but what really stands out is the 360° panoramic photographs (VR) of Islamic and Christian heritage sites in Jerusalem. (Via Sherifa Zuhur)
The Museum Of Palestinian Memory
a virtual museum that documents the history of the villages that have been destroyed or depopulated through ethnic cleansing.
UCLA Library: The Palestinian Museum Digital Archive
a large archive of scanned documents, newspapers and photographs. Hosts 136624 documents.
Passages through Genocide
a project that "collects, translate and publish texts from Palestinian writers confronting the genocide in Gaza" into several languages. (via Arablit)

If you know of more websites that can be added to this list, please send me an email using the comment button below or contact me on Mastodon.

This post is part of a challenge to write 150 blog posts of 150 words (or more?) each this year. This is post 31 out of 150