Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun

in «Technology, Linux & Free/Open Source Software» by moftasa

Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun title graphics

24 years ago, I came home from medical school with a borrowed CD-ROM of the real-time strategy (RTS) game Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun. I got home at 4pm, put the CD in the Creative CD-ROM drive tray and suddenly it was 4am in the morning.

Creative 52x CD-ROM package graphics

I am not a big fan of RTS games but they are incredibly addictive and fun. Just recently that I found out that older Command & Conquer games are being kept …

Hybrid Case Presentation - Grand Rounds

Composite image of three photos. One showing audience at an auditorium, the other of a presenter with MS Teams in the background. The third is of the audience in Cairo in a dimmed conference room

Last Wednesday, we had a case presentation at the hospital that was held live on Microsoft Teams with the Maudsley Hospital / IoPPN Grand Rounds. It was hybrid, meaning some psychiatrists participated online (103) and some did in person at our conference room (25) and at the Wolfson Lecture Theatre in London (80).

We were invited by the Academic Lead for the Maudsley Grand Rounds, who was chairing the event, based on the recommendation from one …

The Three Body Problem

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa
tags: ,

Animated version of the book cover, showing three sons going around in the sky a pyramid in the foreground.

I enjoyed reading this trilogy so much. It was full of massive ideas, mind-bending twists and turns, and the story was full of awe-inspiring and mind-blowing moments.

This sci-fi trilogy has a large number of fans online, but if you read the reviews you will find that they are mixed, and the reason for this is that although it is a hard sci-fi book, the author decided to break some unbreakable laws of physics and …

Digital Resources for Mental Health Professionals: Access Scientific Literature

in «Psychiatry, Psychology, Medicine & Mental Health» by moftasa

This post is part of a multi-series of posts on digital resources for mental health professionals.

As clinicians we are required to keep up with new knowledge in our fields. However, this isn't always possible as a lot of research is published in journals that don't offer free full text of their articles.

Not all of us work in places that can afford institutional access to scientific journals and sometimes when we do, this access …

CSS Refresh

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

I had some time to kill one evening so I edited the CSS of this blog. I removed the sidebar and simplified the navigation. I think it is also more mobile friendly. I only tested it on Firefox and Lynx though.

It is a big departure from the Pelican theme I started with. Editing themes on Pelican is much easier and more forgiving than on Drupal and the process of tinkering with HTML templates and …

مشاهدة أولمبياد باريس عن طريق الأنترنت

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Five interlocking rings olympics logo each with a different color, top three: blue, black and red. Bottom two are yellow and green.

ما عندناش في البيت طبق استقبال القنوات التلفزيونية الفضائية (أو ما يعرف بالدِش 📡) ومكتفين بنتفلكس ويوتيوب وبلكس، لكن قبل الأولمبياد كنا عاوزين نعرف لو فيه خدمة ما على الأنترنت ينفع نشترك فيها علشان نتفرج على المسابقات المختلفة في الأولمبياد السنة دي.

رحنا أحد المراكز التجارية الكبيرة علشان نشترك في بي إن سبورتس لمدة شهر لكن للأسف أكتشفنا أننا لازم يكون عندنا دِش ونشتري جهاز مخصوص ثمنه خمسة ألاف جنيه ونشترك سنة كاملة …

Freedom for Ashraf Omar

in «Politics & Human Rights» by moftasa
languages: [en] ar

Black and white line drawing of a bearded man with curly hair drawing a cartoon. An orange barbed wire is floating and circulating around him. Hand written text on the right side says Freedom for Cartoonist Ashraf Omar, Egypt

Drawing by Gianluca Costantini, slightly modified to minimise file size.

Update 2024-10-28: Omar's detention orders keep getting extended every 15 days. Each time via video link. He hasn't seen the prosecution face-to-face since his arrest.

Update 2024-08-19: ✍️ Friends and supporters of Ashraf Omar started an online petition demanding his release. Please sign this petition here. It will be forwarded to human rights and press freedom organizations.

Update 2024-08-18: He received another 15 days 😔

Update 2024-08-05 …

شاشات الموت الزرقاء

in «Local & Regional» by moftasa

شاشة موت زرقاء لويندوز 10 لكن مكتوب عليها من فوق جامدين قوي

مع انتشار شاشة الموت الزرقاء BSOD المايكروسوفتية في مطارات وبنوك العالم، انتشرت في شوارع حي التجمع بالقاهرة الجديدة شاشة "حتى لا ننسى" على كل الشاشات الإعلانية المطلة على شارع التسعين، بثت الشاشات فيديوهات بروبجندا لإنعاش ذاكرة المواطن المصري بجرائم جماعة الإخوان مصاحب لها بالبنط العريض جملة "الإخوان جماعة إرهابية" ومشاهد دموية عنيفة في صباح يوم العطلة الأسبوعية قبل الصلاة.

بث شاشات شارع التسعين كان رد فعل من الدولة لما حدث من يومين في شارع فيصل …

Digital Resources for Mental Health Professionals: Document Creation (Part 6)

This is part 6 of a series on document creation. Which is part of a multi-series of posts on digital resources for mental health professionals.

Free and Open Source software (FOSS)

It may not be a priority for you if you work in mental health care to think about the licence of the software tool you are using. But I really think you should care! It is so important to make sure that you rely …