الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام
Warning! This post is very old and may contain information or opinions that are no longer valid or embarrassing.
Deluge of news. This time it is very big.
Yesterday, young people were defiant despite the ban on protests. A thousand or more appeared from no where on the streets of downtown after every attempt to disperse, beat and arrest them by the police and police hired thugs.
Photo by Sarah Carr
Police brutality was on display in full force in the main streets of downtown. The use of electric cattle prods was also there. Terror for everyone.
Guardian's brilliant journalist Jack Shenker asked me to write this yesterday.
God bless you. Your skills will be in heavy demand, take pride and don't get overwhelmed. When things calm down a bit, you can get help from international colleagues- there will be many who want to help.
Already packing up supplies for when we can send things in trustworthy hands... -
يسقت حسنى الخاين وأى حد عبيط بيقول كفاية كدة حيدفع التمن غالى قوووووووووىىىىىىىىىىى لو فضل نظام مبارك حينتقم منا ومنكم ويعزبنا أخر تعذيب وكمان يسلمنا للأمريكان أى حد لسة مسدق الهكس البيحشو دمغنا بية دة والأعلام الحكومى العاهر حيروح فستين ألف داهية لو الثورة فشلت لأنهم خلوكو تعبدو رغيف العيش ونسيتو الخلقا وخلق رغيف العيش أقرو التاريخ اى واحد مش مستحمل الجوع اليومبن دول ينزل وألا حيجوع لحد الموت
Checking in on your photo stream throughout the day. All I can do is watch with a mixture of pride, inspiration, worry and fear. But mostly I feel a deep sense of pride for the people of Egypt who bravely fight for their rights. My greatest wish is that the army and all law enforcement join the protesters. Thank you for teaching us how to act in solidarity. K Stone