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🔗 How (not) to communicate new scientific information: a memoir of the famous brindley lecture - Klotz - 2005 - BJU International - Wiley Online Library


The Professor wanted to make his case in the most convincing style possible. He indicated that, in his view, no normal person would find the experience of giving a lecture to a large audience to be erotically stimulating or erection-inducing. He had, he said, therefore injected himself with papaverine in his hotel room before coming to give the lecture, and deliberately wore loose clothes (hence the track-suit) to make it possible to exhibit the results. He stepped around the podium, and pulled his loose pants tight up around his genitalia in an attempt to demonstrate his erection.

🔗 سليمان خاطر - ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

قال التقرير النفسي الذي صدر بعد فحص سليمان بعد الحادث أن سليمان "مختل نوعًا ما " والسبب أن "الظلام كان يحول مخاوفه إلي أشكال أسطورية خرافية مرعبة تجعله يقفز من الفراش في فزع، وكان الظلام يجعله يتصور أن الأشباح تعيش في قاع الترعة وأنها تخبط الماء بقوة في الليل وهي في طريقها إليه". بناء على رأي أطباء وضباط وقضاة الحكومة، عوقب سليمان لأنهم أثبتوا أن الأشباح التي تخيفه في الظلام اسمها صهيونية.

🔗 WebCite

WebCite®, a member of the International Internet Preservation Consortium, is an on-demand archiving system for webreferences (cited webpages and websites, or other kinds of Internet-accessible digital objects), which can be used by authors, editors, and publishers of scholarly papers and books, to ensure that cited webmaterial will remain available to readers in the future.

🔗 حوادث - ‏104‏ آلاف مصري حاولوا الانتحارالعام الماضي

Official figures (from CAPMAS according to Ahram) of suicide and deliberate self-harm in Egypt. According to this DSH is very high (104,000) but completed suicide is not (around 5000 per year which is about 6-7 per 100,000). They are saying rates are increasing. Still propagating the Eisenhower myth that Scand. countries have highest suicide rates. Young women attempt suicide more than men.

🔗 Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present

Medical scholar Harriet Washington joins us to talk about her new book, "Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present." The book reveals the hidden underbelly of scientific research and the roots of the African American health deficit. It also examines less well-known abuses and looks at unethical practices and mistreatment of blacks that are still taking place in the medical establishment today.

🔗 Carl Heneghan: Why autism can't be diagnosed with brain scans | Science |


How the brain scans results are portrayed is one of the simplest mistakes in interpreting diagnostic test accuracy to make. What has happened is, the sensitivity1 has been taken to be the positive predictive value2, which is what you want to know: if I have a positive test do I have the disease? Not, if I have the disease, do I have a positive test? It would help if the results included a measure called the likelihood ratio (LR), which is the likelihood that a given test result would be expected in a patient with the target disorder compared to the likelihood that the same result would be expected in a patient without that disorder. In this case the LR is 4.5. We've put up an article …