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🔗 إحالة مؤسس ومدير مركز هشام مبارك ومدير الشبكة العربية والمدون عمرو غربية للمحاكمة الجنائية - مركز هشام مبارك للقانون

وفى نفس الوقت كان القاضي "عبد الفتاح مراد" تقدم ببلاغ للنيابة العامة يتهم فيه أحمد سيف وجمال عيد بتهديده وابتزازه، وقامت النيابة بالتحقيق فيه لأكثر من ثلاثة سنوات وقامت منذ أيام قليلة بإحالة القضية للمحاكمة يوم السبت القادم.

🔗 A Reappraisal of Poststroke Depression, Intra- and Inter-Hemispheric Lesion Location Using Meta-Analysis -- Narushima et al. 15 (4): 422 -- J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci


Results showed there was a significant inverse correlation between severity of depression and distance of the lesion from the frontal pole among 163 patients with left hemisphere stroke but not among 106 patients with right hemisphere stroke. This study supports the hypothesis that risk of poststroke depression is related to the location of brain injury.

🔗 | The Street Wire


Last Friday a 19 year old man was sentenced to 1 year in a young offenders institute for simply throwing a bottle at the embassy gates, which actually missed and hit a police riot shield causing no harm. Although he recently got married, had aspirations of becoming a dentist and had great character references, the judge said that he wanted to make an example the case, thereby sending a clear message of deterrence to the rest of the community. The Muslim community in particular felt that they have been targeted and see this as a warning message not to take part in protests in the future, particularly against Israel. Three of the protesters have been imprisoned for 18 months, two for 24 months and another two for 30 …

🔗 LyX wiki - LyX / XeTeX


XeTeX (pronounced /ˈziːtɛx/) is a TeX typesetting engine using Unicode and supporting modern font technologies such as OpenType. Initially developed for Mac OS X, it is now available for all major platforms.

🔗 Vegetarian Recipe Search - Find Vegetarian Recipes


Find Vegetarian recipes with this vegetarian recipe search engine. We have indexed over a million recipes on the internet and only show you the meat-free recipes. We are only searching through the recipes ingredients, which is much more accurate than scanning an entire webpage for non-veg items. You can search by ingredient and keyword.

🔗 Effect of Acute Antidepressant Administration on Negative Affective Bias in Depressed Patients -- Harmer et al. 166 (10): 1178 -- Am J Psychiatry


To establish the effects of depression per se, each task was first analyzed for the placebo-treated participants alone by group (depressed patients versus comparison subjects) as the between-subjects factor. For performance in the emotional categorization task and memory, valence (positive or negative) was an additional within-subjects factor. Next, the effects of the drug manipulation were assessed using analysis of variance with drug treatment (reboxetine or placebo) and group (depressed patients or comparison subjects) as between-subjects factors and emotion (positive or negative) as the within-subjects factor, as above. Statistically significant interactions were followed up with simple analyses for group differences.

🔗 Discriminant Analysis

The main purpose of a discriminant function analysis is to predict group membership based on a linear combination of the interval variables. The procedure begins with a set of observations where both group membership and the values of the interval variables are known. The end result of the procedure is a model that allows prediction of group membership when only the interval variables are known.