🔗 The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of psychiatry - Google Books
The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of psychiatry
The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of psychiatry
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Excellent review of Nicotine addiction and its biology.
Change of tone, this case might actually make it to court. Even if the second report doesn't say the cause of death is torture.
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Look at number 1.
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The CEH showed that resulting proportions were consistent with the genocide hypothesis. In each region indigenous people were killed at a rate five to eight times greater than nonindigenous people. This statistical finding was one of the bases of the CEH's final conclusion that the Guatemalan army committed acts of genocide against the Maya.
I still can't get over his death.
مع ازدياد محاولات الانتحار وجب التنبيه على كل من يقدم على ذلك بان يتوخى الحذر من فشل المحاولة لانه عندها سيواجه عقوبه الحبس لمدة تتراوح ما بين ستة أشهر وثلاث سنوات.
The future belongs to the companies who figure out how to collect and use data successfully. In this in-depth piece, O'Reilly editor Mike Loukides examines the unique skills and opportunities that flow from data science.
A7a this is very big but probably what I want.
The scans indicated that when the women with Anorexia Nervosa were in a state of starvation they had less grey matter brain volume compared to the healthy women. Those who had the illness the longest had the greatest reductions in brain volume when underweight.
the process by which a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health clinician mistakes the patient's perception of real events as delusional and misdiagnoses accordingly.
وفى نفس الوقت كان القاضي "عبد الفتاح مراد" تقدم ببلاغ للنيابة العامة يتهم فيه أحمد سيف وجمال عيد بتهديده وابتزازه، وقامت النيابة بالتحقيق فيه لأكثر من ثلاثة سنوات وقامت منذ أيام قليلة بإحالة القضية للمحاكمة يوم السبت القادم.
دليل على أنهم مش محتاجين بيانات المستخدم للقبض على صاحب الخط، غالبا الموضوع بياخذ مجهود أكبر. طبعا مفيش أي معلومة عن أزاي مسكوا الشاب ده فغالبا الخبر مفبرك
Results showed there was a significant inverse correlation between severity of depression and distance of the lesion from the frontal pole among 163 patients with left hemisphere stroke but not among 106 patients with right hemisphere stroke. This study supports the hypothesis that risk of poststroke depression is related to the location of brain injury.
We relied on repeatedly getting their consent every time we filmed with anyone in the hospital."
العنوان: عجائب الآثار في التراجم والأخبار
Last year, during protests against the attack on Gaza, a mixed group of demonstrators clashed with police. But when the alleged culprits were arrested in dawn raids, nearly all those taken were young Muslims
Last Friday a 19 year old man was sentenced to 1 year in a young offenders institute for simply throwing a bottle at the embassy gates, which actually missed and hit a police riot shield causing no harm. Although he recently got married, had aspirations of becoming a dentist and had great character references, the judge said that he wanted to make an example the case, thereby sending a clear message of deterrence to the rest of the community. The Muslim community in particular felt that they have been targeted and see this as a warning message not to take part in protests in the future, particularly against Israel. Three of the protesters have been imprisoned for 18 months, two for 24 months and another two for 30 …
Cade's seminal paper on the effects of Lithium on 10 manic patients in 1949.
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