🔗 النهار الجديد - مصادر أمنية تؤكد تعرض محمد الجندي لتعذيب لمدة ثلاثة أيام في مصر
@moftasa مصدران أمنيان لرويترز: الناشط محمد الجندي الذي توفي الاثنين تعرض للتعذيب
@moftasa مصدران أمنيان لرويترز: الناشط محمد الجندي الذي توفي الاثنين تعرض للتعذيب
@moftasa نيابة قصر النيل تستدعى المسعفين فى واقعة العثور على الناشط محمد الجندى
@moftasa العثور على الناشط محمد الجندي بعد 4 أيام من اختفائه
@moftasa نشطاء: اختفاء الناشط محمد الجندي بعد مشاركته في مسيرات التحرير.. والتيار الشعبي يحمل الداخلية المسئولية
Music by Tamim El Gallal :))
If the world is just, only the guilty are tortured. So believers in a just world are more likely to think that the people who are tortured are guilty. Perhaps especially so if they experience the torture closely and so
He is no longer in battle, but Ayoub Jalgham wears desert fatigues when he visits downtown Tripoli. His build, scruffy facial hair and air of confidence all tell passers-by that this 19-year-old fought against the regime of Muammar Qadhafi, Libya’s leader of 42 years.
Aida Seif El Dawla wrote a note titled رسالة إلى "مجلس شورى" الإخوان. Read the full text here.
UNFPA Egypt, the United Nations Population Fund in Egypt, is an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV/AIDS, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect. UNFPA because everyone counts.
Inverse Care Law Dr Julian Tudor Hart 1971
<>The availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need for the population served. This inverse care law operates more completely where medical care is most exposed to market forces, and less so where such exposure is reduced. The market distribution of medical care is a primitive and historically outdated social form, and any return to it would further exaggerate the maldistribution of medical resources. <<<<
Aida Seif El-Dawla is a psychiatrist, long time Egyptian human rights activist, and Executive Director of the al-Nadeem Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence. Since 1993, the Nadeem Center has worked both to rehabilitate victims of ...
أحا هو خالد علي كان طاعن على قانون ختان الإناث؟؟؟!!! حد يأكد
Why reading fiction is therapeutic
شاهد - تعرية وسحل متظاهر والقبض عليه بقصر الإتحادية
a follow up. please click on of overview of stories for the 26th and 27th updates, recommended, since most of them are still extremely current, needing media attention and awareness.
The politics of the past two years have generated widespread interest in the historical relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and Egypt’s wielders of power, especially at a time when observers are eager to understand the prospects for ...
الثورة المصرية
Egyptology site closed after being targeted in attacks on #Egypt related websites during current political crisis.
The Times campaign for cycle safety
Beginning of accountability for the torture of Aaron Swartz. 2 notable reports:
Beginning of accountability for the torture of Aaron Swartz. 2 notable reports:
In the wake of the deadly Badrashin train crash Monday, which left 19 people dead and 117 injured, a Transportation Ministry report shows the country has experienced an average 550 train wrecks per year, including both serious and minor ones.
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