🔗 Mozilla Labs : TowTruck
A service for your website that makes it surprisingly easy to collaborate in real-time.
A service for your website that makes it surprisingly easy to collaborate in real-time.
Oh look, the cover of the 124 page book that lists Morsi's achievements.
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Build Your Own Self-Watering Planter, Save water and grow healthier veggies and flowers with a self-watering planter. This attractive cedar design uses perforated drain pipe to store and distribute the water.
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هام جدا لمطورين المواقع العرب
Sticky Notes color palette by Tonikart.
Muslims raped Coptic Christians women in Egypt اغتصاب فتيات نصارى مسيحيات مصر Originally uploaded by user mina mouris 08/04/2013 This clip filmed by proud mu...
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Life from a Wellcome Trust perspective
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English Communication for Scientists is a brief guide on how to communicate more effectively in English, no matter how much previous experience you have. Although it was developed with non-native speakers of English in mind, it should prove useful for native speakers, too. Created by seasoned communicators, English Communication for Scientists provides no-nonsense, directly applicable guidelines, illustrated with examples of written documents, oral presentations, and more.
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Yesterday I skyped into Czerne Reid's science journalism class at University of Florida to talk about breaking into science writing as a profession, and especially the ...
Twitter Cards can be implemented with the Meta Tags drupal module. Some basic tweaks are introduced for customizing Site content attribution.
Haitham Tabei wrote a note titled شهادتي على أحداث المقطم 22 مارس- هيثم التابعي. Read the full text here.
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This is a video of what happened on the referendum day 25th of May 2005 in Egypt. The ruling party (National Democratic Party) hired thugs to beat peacefull protestors. The thugs beat women and groped them.The did police did nothing to protect the protestors.
موقعة الطماطم: طرد جماعه الاخوان المسلمين من شبرا
Mind is the leading mental health charity in England and Wales. We work to create a better life for everyone with experience of mental distress.
Everything you ever wanted to know about DRM and ebooks, but were afraid to ask. (by Apprentice Alf)
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