Posts with the tag « mental-health » :

🔗 AI is acting ‘pro-anorexia’ and tech companies aren’t stopping it

As an experiment, I recently asked ChatGPT what drugs I could use to induce vomiting. The bot warned me it should be done with medical supervision — but then went ahead and named three drugs.

Google’s Bard AI, pretending to be a human friend, produced a step-by-step guide on “chewing and spitting,” another eating disorder practice. With chilling confidence, Snapchat’s My AI buddy wrote me a weight-loss meal plan that totaled less than 700 calories per day — well below what a doctor would ever recommend. Both couched their dangerous advice in disclaimers.

Then I started asking AIs for pictures. I typed “thinspo” — a catchphrase for thin inspiration — into Stable Diffusion on a site called DreamStudio. It produced fake photos of women with thighs not much wider than …

🔗 Mental health policy and development in Egypt - integrating mental health into health sector reforms 2001-9


!! Background

Following a situation appraisal in 2001, a six year mental health reform programme (Egymen) 2002-7 was initiated by an Egyptian-Finnish bilateral aid project at the request of a former Egyptian minister of health, and the work was incorporated directly into the Ministry of Health and Population from 2007 onwards. This paper describes the aims, methodology and implementation of the mental health reforms and mental health policy in Egypt 2002-2009.

!! Methods

A multi-faceted and comprehensive programme which combined situation appraisal to inform planning; establishment of a health sector system for coordination, supervision and training of each level (national, governorate, district and primary care); development workshops; production of toolkits, development of guidelines and standards; encouragement of intersectoral liaison at each level; integration of mental health into health management systems …

🔗 Mental Health in Egypt: Unmet Need, Priorities and Possible Solutions


Author: Michael Elnemais Fawzy

Mental health services in Egypt are mainly provided by hospitals with insufficient attention given to integrating mental health into primary care. The majority of the available resources are allocated to a few large centralized psychiatric hospitals. The Institute of Medicine (2001) defines quality clinical care as care that is equitable, timely, safe, efficient, effective and patient-centered. This article describes a three-pronged strategic approach for enhancing mental health services through policies designed to improve quality and equity.

🔗 Quality of life and human rights conditions in a public psychiatric hospital in Cairo


!!! Purpose

There is no documented evidence on service users’ perceptions of quality of care and observance of human rights in mental health residential facilities in Egypt after the new mental health law passed in 2009. The purpose of this paper is to investigate El-Abbassia Mental Health Hospital in Cairo. Special attention is paid as to the variety of human rights violations which are experienced by the users and the context in which these violations occur.

!!! Design/methodology/approach

A cross-sectional study was performed relying on 36 depth interviews with patients, 58 staff members and 15 family members, reviews of documents and observations by an independent assessment team consisting of the author, another psychiatrist, a nurse and a family member using the World Health Organization Quality Rights Tool …

🔗 نقط وخطوط - مذكرات مرسومة



رسوم علا أبوالشلاشل التي قدّمتها بالنصّ التالي:

في وقت ما في 2014 ،في وسط نوبة غضب حادة، لقيت معايا كراسة وماركر اسود. للتنفيس عن الغضب، بدأت أرسم نقط وخطوط جنب بعضها. بعدها بدأت أتخيل الغضب …

🔗 Where There Is No Psychiatrist


Mental illnesses are common and cause great suffering to individuals and communities everywhere in the world, but many health workers are more comfortable dealing with physical illness. This practical manual of mental health care is vital for community health workers, primary care nurses, social workers and primary care doctors, particularly in low-resource settings. This guide gives the reader a basic understanding of mental illness by describing more than thirty clinical problems associated with mental illness and uses a problem-solving approach to guide the reader through their assessment and management. Mental health issues as they arise in specific contexts are described - in refugee camps, in school health programmes, as well as in mental health promotion. The final section helps the reader to personalise for a particular location, for example …

🔗 TempleOS

<>TempleOS is a biblical-themed lightweight operating system (OS) designed to be the Third Temple prophesied in the Bible. It was created by American programmer Terry A. Davis, who developed it alone over the course of a decade after a series of manic episodes that he later described as a revelation from God. <<<<

🔗 Frantz Fanon and the crisis of mental health in the Arab world


What explains the resilience of institutionalisation in the Arab world? The World Health Organization (WHO) often highlights the absence of mental health on the list of national priorities in the region, shortages in psychiatric personnel, limited funds, lack of resources, as well as lack of comprehensive mental health strategies. But political myopia, amateurish governance with short-term political agendas, and instability are in reality what makes alternative psychiatric futures impossible to conceive, let alone implement. What is more striking is the lack of a critical debate about the uncontested power of medical doctors and psychiatrists, and sometimes even their complicity with authoritarian regimes. This situation contrasts with many other countries that saw the emergence (particularly in the 1960s and ’70s) of vocal critiques of psychiatric practices, including the use …

🔗 Public prosecutor puts rape-survivng minor in a shelter instead of remand


أمر النائب العام، المستشار حمادة الصاوي، باستبدال الحبس الاحتياطي لآية، المعروفة باسم منة عبدالعزيز، الشهيرة بـ”فتاة تيك توك”، وإيداعها أحد مراكز مشروع وزارة التضامن الاجتماعي الخاصة بـ”استضافة وحماية المرأة المُعَنَّفة”.

وقالت النيابة العامة، في بيان، إن المُتهمة واسمها الحقيقي آية، قبلت استبدال الحبس بالبقاء في مركز الحماية باعتباره موطنًا وسكنًا لها، نتيجة لعدم وجود محل إقامة ثابت لديها.

وكانت منة عبدالعزيز، التي تمتلك حسابًا على تطبيق “تيك توك”، قد حُبست مع 6 آخرين، بعد توجيه تهمتي “التحريض على الفسق” و”تزوير حساب إلكتروني”. <<<

🔗 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health and Social Support among Adult Egyptians


The psychological impact of outbreaks on individuals includes an intense and wide range of psychiatric morbidities. People are likely to experience feelings as; worry about being infected or getting sick, increased self-blame, and helplessness. This study aimed to assess the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and social support among Egyptian adults during the period of the pandemic. This is a cross-sectional observational study using an anonymous online questionnaire. The survey was conducted through a link shared on social networking sites. It was conducted from 2 May 2020 to 9 May 2020. The general populations of the Egyptian adults were included by using convenience and snowball sampling technique (510 adults). Impact Event scale mean 34.3 ± 15. About 211 (41.4%) suffered a severe impact. There was an …

🔗 Managing mental health challenges faced by healthcare workers during covid-19 pandemic | The BMJ

"Moral injury, a term that originated in the military, can be defined as the psychological distress that results from actions, or the lack of them, which violate someone’s moral or ethical code.1 Unlike formal mental health conditions such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder, moral injury is not a mental illness. But those who develop moral injuries are likely to experience negative thoughts about themselves or others (for example, “I am a terrible person” or “My bosses don’t care about people’s lives”) as well as intense feelings of shame, guilt, or disgust."