🔗 الشعب يريد عجلة إنتاج أخرى - وائل جمال - مقالات وأعمدة - جريدة الشروق
الشعب يريد عجلة إنتاج أخرى http://is.gd/S8VAXP <----- هام /via @manal
الشعب يريد عجلة إنتاج أخرى http://is.gd/S8VAXP <----- هام /via @manal
الى كل ديكتاتور عربي: لو لم يستطع جيل الشباب الحالي من خلعك فالجيل القادم شاهد على مجازرك http://is.gd/SpYuVE #syria #bahrain #yemen #libya
Regardless of your feelings about GoDaddy's moral standing, their service is frustrating and restrictive. If you're sick of paying for crappy hosting and want to jump ship, here's how to leave GoDaddy behind for one of many better web hosts on the net.
Submit Your Photos: New York at Night http://on.wsj.com/ieTefG
When will we get rid of the internal combustion engine? It's a technology from 2 centuries back. http://is.gd/gSGhIe
Around 30 people now gathered in an anti-Bashar stand outside Syria embassy in Cairo. http://twitpic.com/4p0edw
Candle light vigil outside Syrian embassy in Cairo. http://twitpic.com/4p0cwi
More info on the Libyan Marbout (tied) Jinn http://www.libyafeb17.com/?p=7381
@shadysamir http://sipdroid.org/
كل شم نسيم والسلفيين بخير http://is.gd/WKQyT1
Peepmail is a tool that allows you to discover business email addresses for users, even if their email address may not be publicly available or shared.
While the British famously use Double-Decker buses to get around... http://bit.ly/fslvTR
السباعي لفافة بانجو السباعي يفحص مبارك في شارم - الراجل ده لازم يمشي ويتشطب من نقابة الأطباء http://is.gd/IetSSZ #khaledsaid #mubarak #jan25
أعداد مجلة مصر الثورية http://issuu.com/ahmedezzat7 #egypt #jan25
TokTok first issue is available online http://is.gd/jjVTFg
International Socialist Pakistan: Welcome Egypt Revolution -- Now Build a Revolution of our own! http://is.gd/F1LupW
Can't believe what I am seeing #egypt #jan25 http://youtu.be/4A23vwsWfvM Every time I passed by the station I wanted to deface the sign.
Very graphic video from #Syria :-( http://youtu.be/Td0jLCkaoz0 Fuck you Bashar
@buildscientist sorry wrong link http://is.gd/2lT0qT
موضوع اللجان الشعبية ده ممكن يلخبط الناس .. زي عمرو واكد كده النهارده في الميدان http://youtu.be/O7QWO2moCM4 #Tahrir #egypt #jan25
Donald Trump is straightforward, doesn't sugar coat US imperialist agenda http://youtu.be/HxxIdJ4agpM /v @NohaElshoky
Watch people in Bristol obstructing police vans live http://bambuser.com/channel/grantikins/broadcast/1596856 #stokescroft
Unity will probably make or break Ubuntu http://is.gd/PCoBnw
@occupiedcairo this is how it looked an hour ago http://flic.kr/p/9Arzwq
Children BBQ in Tiblisi, Georgia http://is.gd/SG0oGt