🔗 Dithranol: An Unusual Agent to Produce Artificial Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2011 - PubMed result
Dithranol used to create false bruise http://is.gd/tlaAcJ #torture #forensic
Dithranol used to create false bruise http://is.gd/tlaAcJ #torture #forensic
أطباء الأسكندرية يطالون بسرعة محاسبة المزورين من أطباء الطب الشرعي #khaledsaid #seba3y http://twitpic.com/4sii24
In 1917, Smith took up a post as medico-legal advisor to the Government of Egypt and senior lecturer in forensic medicine at the School of Medicine in Cairo.
Forensic medicine in Egypt must follow guidelines of Istanbul Protocol when examining torture cases http://is.gd/o8Y7D5 #Seba3y @YosriFouda
السباعي لفافة بانجو السباعي يفحص مبارك في شارم - الراجل ده لازم يمشي ويتشطب من نقابة الأطباء http://is.gd/IetSSZ #khaledsaid #mubarak #jan25
Old interview with el-Seba3y.
Fourth year forensic exam is about Khaled Said!
Forensic photography is essential for documentation of evidence of torture. Consent of the alleged victim should be sought in all cases. The article gives information about when and how to take pictures of what as well as image authentication, audit trail, storage, faulty pictures and the kind of camera to use.
My opinion: these wounds were self-inflicted.
The Public Prosecutor eventually approved the lawyers’ demands to transfer all the suspects to the forensic medical center after the defense had proven the existence of injuries and effects of torture on at least one of the suspects.
A Handbook for Health Professionals - Michael Peel and Noam Lubell with Jonathan Beynon (2005)
A paper by Scott Long examining the forensic examination of suspected homosexuals in Egypt. This paper describes how Egyptian forensic doctors by doing so are actually taking part in torture and throws light on the lack of scientific basis to support these examinations.
المتهمين حضروا فى سيارة ترحيلات بعد منتصف الليل، وأدخلهم الحرس على دفعات إلى مبنى مصلحة الطب الشرعى، الذى شهد حراسة أمنية مشددة حتى انتهت إجراءات الكشف الطبى عليهم، والتى استمرت لمدة ٣ ساعات تقريباً، وقال شهود عيان إن ٨ سيارات أمن مركزى وشرطة كانت تحاصر المبنى وغادرت بعد انتهاء الكشف.
أول ما اتوليت منصبي الحالي استدعتني أمن الدولة والرقابة الإدارية وجهة سيادية أخري، وبصراحة صعقت عندما وجدت كم المعلومات الهائل عني لديهم، هما بالأساس موجودين لحماية الأشخاص داخل المصلحة.
damn useful and just in time. Lots of neuropsychiatric assessment tools for people with head trauma.
The Istanbul Protocol, which has been endorsed by the UN, provides the first set of internationally recognised guidelines for medical and legal experts on how to determine whether a person has been tortured and establish independent valid evidence that ca