Posts with the tag « cycling » :

🔗 مين بيركب عجل في مصر؟ – Who are Egypt’s bicycle users?


في واحدة من الدراسات القليلة عن استخدام الدراجات في المدن المصرية، إريك باترويات(1) قَسِّم مستخدمي العجل في مصر لمجموعتين أساسيتين (مجموعة أسلوب الحياة ومجموعة الناس القدام)، بالإضافة إلى الأطفال. وبيقول ان المجموعات دي مش منفصلين عن بعض لكن بينهم إلى حد ما تداخل، وإن التصنيف ده بيساعد على فهم خصائص واحتياجات المجموعات المختلفة.ز

🔗 The hidden potential of bicycles


This is far more the case in poorer countries.

The average modern person, by one calculation, spends more than 1,600 hours a year to pay for their cars, their insurance, fuel and repairs. We go to jobs partly to pay for the cars, and we need the cars mostly to get to jobs. We spend four of our sixteen waking hours on the road or gathering the resources for the car. Since the average modern American, by one estimate, travels 7,500 miles a year, and put in 1,600 hours a year to do that, they are travelling five miles per hour. Before people had cars, however, people managed to do the same – by walking.

🔗 Bike Nation: How Cycling Can Save the World Peter Walker

  "Paul Steely White believes it is high time cycling infrastructure becomes viewed 'not as an optional amenity that is open to local veto, but really as a necessary public safety improvement that we now make in these modern times'
He argues persuasively: 'It would be akin in the time of cholera to saying, "We've got this engineering approach that involves separating our water from our sewage, and it involves digging up the street  what do you think about this? Are you okay with this?"

There's a way to design streets now that kill many fewer people and are much fairer, more equitable, and more efficient, and we're just going to do it, dammit.'"

🔗 Cycling in Cairo: Just use your head


On the smaller streets riding a bike is a breeze, since you avoid the kind of traffic that bogs down cars. On the bigger streets it is more challenging but general rules apply; take the right side of the road (but leave some space), deal with the other traffic as if you are a slower, smaller car and above all be mindful of your surroundings.

🔗 Not so fast! How car commuting is taking your time


Concept of effective speed in comparing between cars & bikes. A bike is much faster if all time costs taken into account

In modern cities, the equivalent of “winding up the spring” is the time spent at work earning the money to pay for all our transport costs. For pedestrians, this time is virtually nil. For cyclists it is minimal. For car drivers, the time spent earning the money to pay for all the costs of cars is usually much greater than the time spent driving. Get news that’s free, independent and based on evidence.

Motorists may think they are saving time with their cars when it takes 20 minutes to drive to work, compared to 30 or 40 minutes on a bicycle. However, motorists might be spending …

🔗 Touring Mailing list


This list is about bicycle touring. Common topics of discussion are how to select a touring bicycle, appropriate components and gearing for touring, carrying gear, camping gear, touring routes and locations, reports of previous tours, and everything else