Posts with the tag « html » :

🔗 Monolith


A data hoarder’s dream come true: bundle any web page into a single HTML file. You can finally replace that gazillion of open tabs with a gazillion of .html files stored somewhere on your precious little drive.

Unlike the conventional “Save page as”, monolith not only saves the target document, it embeds CSS, image, and JavaScript assets all at once, producing a single HTML5 document that is a joy to store and share.

If compared to saving websites with wget -mpk, this tool embeds all assets as data URLs and therefore lets browsers render the saved page exactly the way it was on the Internet, even when no network connection is available.

🔗 Paper to HTML Converter


This is an experimental prototype that aims to render scientific papers in HTML so they can be more easily read by screen readers or on mobile devices. Because of our reliance on statistical machine learning techniques, some errors are inevitable. We are continuing to improve upon our models. To use, upload a scientific paper below, or view a gallery of example papers.

🔗 Simple CSS


Simple.css is a classless CSS framework that allows you to make a good looking website really quickly.

By classless I mean that there are no CSS classes anywhere in the CSS or the HTML. So your website can look just like this using plain old vanilla HTML.