🔗 منشورات قانونية - أرشيف رقمي
أرشيفٌ رقميّ مجانيّ معنيٌّ بالمواد ذات الطبيعة القانونية في مصر. وهو مشروع خاص بوحدة أبحاث القانون والمجتمع، التابعة لكلية الشئون الدولية والسياسات العامة، بالجامعة الأمريكية بالقاهرة.
أرشيفٌ رقميّ مجانيّ معنيٌّ بالمواد ذات الطبيعة القانونية في مصر. وهو مشروع خاص بوحدة أبحاث القانون والمجتمع، التابعة لكلية الشئون الدولية والسياسات العامة، بالجامعة الأمريكية بالقاهرة.
CEDEJ and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina are honored to present 67 years of political, cultural and economic aspects in the discourse of modern Egyptian history, spanning the time between the 1950’s until 2017
Since the J. Paul Getty Museum launched its Open Content program back in 2013, we’ve been featuring their efforts to make their vast collection of cultural artifacts freely accessible online. They’ve released not just digitized works of art, but also a great many art history texts and art books in general. Just this week, they announced an expansion of access to their digital archive, in that they’ve made nearly 88,000 images free to download on their Open Content database under Creative Commons Zero (CC0). That means “you can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.”
Lots of tutorials.
مشروع تونسي يهدف إلى نشر التراث العربي المكتوب على الانترنت
Here lies a nearly-complete archive of Whole Earth publications, a series of journals and magazines descended from the Whole Earth Catalog, published by Stewart Brand and the POINT Foundation between 1970 and 2002. They are made available here for scholarship, education, and research purposes.
مكتبة سبيل هي مشاع معرفي فلسطيني مبني على التشارك في الموارد والعمل. تهدف مكتبة سبيل لتعميم المعرفة حول فلسطين ونضالها. بإمكانكم تصفح المواد المتوفرة في المكتبة والبحث داخل نصوصها، كما وإضافة مواد جديدة. المزيد في القائمة على أعلى اليمين.
(old url: https://sabil.ethz.ch/s/ar/page/welcome)
Simpler and easier to use interface for twitter archive. It is created using JS in your browser.
Search engine of shadow libraries: books, papers, comics, magazines. ⭐️ Z-Library, Library Genesis, Sci-Hub.
A data hoarder’s dream come true: bundle any web page into a single HTML file. You can finally replace that gazillion of open tabs with a gazillion of .html files stored somewhere on your precious little drive.
Unlike the conventional “Save page as”, monolith not only saves the target document, it embeds CSS, image, and JavaScript assets all at once, producing a single HTML5 document that is a joy to store and share.
If compared to saving websites with wget -mpk, this tool embeds all assets as data URLs and therefore lets browsers render the saved page exactly the way it was on the Internet, even when no network connection is available.
wget \
--mirror \
--page-requisites \
--html-extension \
--convert-links \
Free web page archiving service
ArchiveBox is a powerful, self-hosted internet archiving solution to collect, save, and view sites you want to preserve offline.
Download an entire website from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
r/DataHoarder's initiative to rescue Sci-Hub data.
Torrent collection of Sci-Hub data. 77 Terabytes in total, each torrent file ranges from 80 to 100 GB. Needs seeders to avoid data loss amid attack on Sci-Hub. r/datahoarder
Sameer's online aggregator is still functioning and keeping a trail of old blogs that disappeared and points to ones that are still online.
A data hoarder's dream come true: bundle any web page into a single HTML file.
Here you can learn about Islamic medicine and science during the Middle Ages and the important role it played in the history of Europe. This site, with its biographies, colorful images, and extensive historical accounts of medieval medicine and science is designed for students and everyone interested in the history of Islamic and European culture.
Arabic Collections Online (ACO) is a publicly available digital library of public domain Arabic language content. ACO currently provides digital access to 11,446 volumes across 6,787 subjects drawn from rich Arabic collections of distinguished research libraries.
EpubPress is a browser extension for Chrome & Firefox for turning your favorite web content into ebooks.
Preprint server for health research
A document in German about the reconstruction of shredded paper by Fraunhofer Institute http://is.gd/AmaswJ (via @HaKhei)
http://archiveteam.org/ /cc: @alaa, @aGharbeia @gharbeia