Posts with the tag « israel » :

🔗 Children living under a multi-traumatic environmen...[Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci. 2005] - PubMed Result

This paper will focus on some of the most traumatic factors faced by the average Palestinian child during times of war. Unlike most research, which limits the Palestinian child's experience in war to military-related traumatic events, in this paper I will attempt to illustrate the Palestinian child's internal and external experiences, using empirical studies, my own clinical experience and an analytic understanding of historical and present events, in addition to a case study. This includes the different sources of stress and trauma that face Palestinian children and which ultimately create a multi-traumatic environment. I will also compare the situation of Palestinian children during the first and the second Intifadas.

🔗 Egyptian Journalist experiences police state first hand at May 4 anti-Mubarak demo | Menassat

The rest of the time we listened to a bored police station employee (his exact job was unclear) hold forth on the press (“I read all the papers but trust [independent daily] El-Masry El-Youm most”) and press criticism of police violations (“Nobody is above criticism. Even doctors make mistakes and should be held to account”).

🔗 al-Shorouk’s story on secret Sudan raids | The Arabist


The reason we’ve never heard about any of this, apparently, is that the US is not advertising the operations, the al-Bashir regime in Khartoum has declared a media blackout, and Egypt is respecting the blackout but keeping a close eye since this involves major arms traffic (it’s an old route, once used by the French poet Rimbaud) going through its territory. Today al-Shorouk said that an Egyptian intelligence agent visited the area to verify the issue.

🔗 Seumas Milne: Will Israel be brought to book over evidence it committed war crimes in Gaza? | Comment is free |


Richard Falk, the UN Special Rapporteur on Palestinian Human Rights, argued recently, any attempt to view the two sides as "equally responsible" is an absurdity: one is a lightly-armed militia, effectively operating underground in occupied territory – the other the most powerful army in the region, able to pinpoint and pulverise targets with some of the most sophisticated weaponry in the world.

🔗 انخفاض كبير في عدد المسافرين بطريق الجو بين مصر واسرائيل | أخبار الشرق الأوس | Reuters


وأنشئت شركة أير سيناء بعد توقيع معاهدة السلام المصرية الاسرائيلية عام 1979 لنقل الركاب بين البلدين منعا لتعرض شركة مصر للطيران للمقاطعة في أغلب العواصم العربية لو كانت نظمت رحلات الى اسرائيل



Absolutists who violently rejected offers of money or peace for sacred land were considerably more inclined to accept deals that involved their enemies making symbolic but difficult gestures. For example, Palestinian hard-liners were more willing to consider recognizing the right of Israel to exist if the Israelis simply offered an official apology for Palestinian suffering in the 1948 war. Similarly, Israeli respondents said they could live with a partition of Jerusalem and borders very close to those that existed before the 1967 war if Hamas and the other major Palestinian groups explicitly recognized Israel’s right to exist.

🔗 Stories from the other side | DNE


The most poignant moment in the film — and its masterstroke — are scenes of a wedding party complete with guests, cake, music and bride. The only thing missing is the groom himself: he is studying in Spain and has not been permitted to reenter Gaza. The families decide to go ahead with the wedding anyway, an act of defiance and desperation. There is perhaps no more powerful symbol of Gaza's plight than this, the abandoned bride of Palestine sitting alone and surrounded by well-wishers unable to do a thing to help her.

🔗 Robert Fisk’s World: When it comes to Gaza, leave the Second World War out of it


What this is really about is international law. It's about accountability. It's about justice – something the Palestinians have never received – and it's about bringing criminals to trial. Arab war criminals, Israeli war criminals – the whole lot. And don't say it cannot be done. Wasn't that the message behind the Yugoslav tribunal? Didn't some of the murderers get their just deserts? Just leave the Second World War out of it.

🔗 Sa-trap

There has also been a backlash to the backlash against Egypt prompted by protests outside Egyptian embassies demonstrating against Egypt's policy in general, but its failure to open its border in particular. Funnily enough, many of the people I know who have taken umbrage at the attacks from abroad and are now banging the nationalist tub are the very same individuals who are most critical of the way that domestic issues are handled by the current regime.

🔗 Global Voices Online » Venezuela: Do the Actions of the Chávez Government in Support of Palestine Reflect the Views of the People?

Chavez's expulsion of Israeli ambassador is a nice gesture. But seems to be unsupported popularly, such bad execution will leave him looking more weird than he already is. He should have educated his own people on the reality of the conflict before kicking his eggcellency out. Chavez calling this a "gesture of dignity" makes me think he is a reincarnation of Nasser.