Posts with the tag « science » :

🔗 The unpalatable truth is that the anti-nuclear lobby has misled us all | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian


We have a duty to base our judgments on the best available information. This is not only because we owe it to other people to represent the issues fairly, but also because we owe it to ourselves not to squander our lives on fairytales. A great wrong has been done by this movement. We must put it right.

🔗 TPM: The Philosophers’ Magazine | Ideas of the century: neurotrash (41/50)


In one area, however, philosophers have taken a great interest in fashionable nonsense and in many cases have also fallen for it. I refer to what the philosopher, poet and neurologist Raymond Tallis calls “neurotrash”. By this he means the rewriting of the human person as the human brain, and using the resulting pseudoscience as a purported answer to some philosophical problem – as in Libet on free will, Zeki on aesthetic taste, Ramachandran on self-knowledge and “mirror neurons”, Joshua Greene on moral reasoning, and a thousand similar attempts to reduce the I to the fMRI.

🔗 Nothing to fear but wifi and fluoride - Andrew Potter -


These cases have three things in common. First, they are all fears directed at technologies or policies with a clear public benefit. Second, the worry is always about some invisible or undetectable feature of our micro-environment, the alleged negative effects conjured out of radio waves, parts-per-billion, and statistical anomalies. And finally, the strong public resistance to these activities takes place not despite official statements that they are completely safe, but in many cases because of those assurances.

🔗 الدكتور عصام حجى الباحث بوكالة ناسا يرد على عميد «علوم القاهرة»: حصلت على نفقات دراستى لـ«الدكتوراه» من الحكومة الفرنسية


ولكنى دخلت فى صراع مع البيروقراطية المصرية العتيدة طيلة السنوات الماضية دون أن أصل إلى شىء، هذه البيروقراطية العفنة التى يتمسك بها هؤلاء السادة، تخرج كالسيف من غمده عندما يريدون التخلص من إنسان، وتختفى تماما عندما يريدون الاحتفاظ بآخر، ورأيت فى النهاية أنه لابد لى أن أقدم استقالتى، وأنه لا فائدة من هذا الصراع مطلقا إلا تضييع الوقت والجهد، وليس كما يقول السيد العميد، إنهم رفضوا الاستقالة حرصا على مستقبلى، وهذا بالطبع هراء لا يمكن أن يصدقه أحد.

🔗 Open Source Science? Or Distributed Science? : Common Knowledge


I propose that the point of this isn't to replicate "open source" as we know it in software. The point is to create the essential foundations for distributed science so that it can emerge in a form that is locally relevant and globally impactful. We can do this. But we have to be relentless in questioning our assumptions and in discovering the interventions necessary to make this happen. We don't want to wake up in ten years and realize we missed an opportunity by focusing on the software model instead of designing an open system out of which open science might emerge on its own.

🔗 Norwegian Forum for Global Health Research - Essay competition 2009, Theme: Innovating for the health of all


The Global Forum's vision is of a world in which the potential of research and innovation is fully utilized to address the health problems of the poor. Innovation is defined as the creation, development and implementation of a new product, process or service, with the aim of improving efficiency, effectiveness or competitive advantage. Research for health therefore goes far beyond medicine and biology, to include sectors such as economics, environment, politics, sociology and others. Innovating for the health of all involves both social and technological innovation.