Posts with the tag « systematic-review » :

🔗 Recommendations for examining and interpreting funnel plot asymmetry in meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials


Funnel plots, and tests for funnel plot asymmetry, have been widely used to examine bias in the results of meta-analyses. Funnel plot asymmetry should not be equated with publication bias, because it has a number of other possible causes. This article describes how to interpret funnel plot asymmetry, recommends appropriate tests, and explains the implications for choice of meta-analysis model <<<

🔗 GRADE Handbook

The GRADE approach is a system for rating the quality of a body of evidence in systematic reviews and other evidence syntheses, such as health technology assessments, and guidelines and grading recommendations in health care. GRADE offers a transparent and structured process for developing and presenting evidence summaries and for carrying out the steps involved in developing recommendations. It can be used to develop clinical practice guidelines (CPG) and other health care recommendations (e.g. in public health, health policy and systems and coverage decisions). <<<

🔗 National Centre for Text Mining — NaCTeM — RobotAnalyst

RobotAnalyst was developed as part of the Supporting Evidence-based Public Health Interventions using Text Mining project to support the literature screening phase of systematic reviews. RobotAnalyst is designed for searching and screening reference collections obtained from literature database queries. It combines search engine functionality with machine learning and text mining technology, including topic modelling and relevancy feedback-based text classification models, to minimise the human workload involved in identifying relevant references

🔗 abstrackr: home

"abstrackR is a web-application that makes citation-screening process of systematic reviews easier (or, we hope it does, anyway). It is a collaborative tool that facilitates screening of citations by multiple reviewers in tandem. Citations are imported and then screened by participants. The screening decisions (or, 'labels') can subsequently be exported."