Digital Resources for Mental Health Professionals: Safety and Security (Part 1)

As psychiatrists we are required by law to keep our patients' information confidential. Knowing that their data is secure, patients feel comfortable disclosing personal details crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

According to where you work you are required to follow certain laws regarding data protection. In Egypt, things are limited. We depend on paper records and IT departments aren't as resourceful. Occasionally you have to write a medical report on your laptop. Sometimes, patients contact you via WhatsApp, where they share a lot of information or forward their lab results. A stolen phone or a hacked laptop can compromise their safety.

In the next posts I will share tips I learnt over the years from different sources. However, computer security is a serious discipline, and how vulnerable your machine is depends on many variables. I am not a qualified security expert. So please consider this as simple computer hygiene.

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This post is part of a challenge to write 150 blog posts of 150 words each this year. This is post 10 out of 150