Gaza Healthcare Workers are Facing Horrific Conditions

Reports of another deadly attack on Al-Shifa hospital are all over the news, but I just want to highlight what really caught my attention. The current working conditions for the medical staff there. I can't even imagine how medics can work for months while they are under attack. Let alone what is being reported as the situation at the moment:

Speaking to the BBC over the weekend, Dr Mutaz Harara said: “The medical staff here are completely exhausted, we have no place left for them to sleep in the hospital because we have patients or displaced people piled in every area.”

Dr Mohammed Obeid, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon in Al-Awda Hospital, northern Gaza, says medical workers in Gaza are experiencing "weight loss and muscle weakness" due to a lack of nutrition."

Source: BBC

This of course comes as the entire population is facing a horrific situation:

Extreme food shortages in parts of the Gaza Strip have already far exceeded famine levels, and mass death is now imminent without an immediate ceasefire"

Source: Reuters

🍉🍉🍉 Ceasefire NOW!

This post is part of a challenge to write 150 blog posts of 150 words each this year. This is post 23 out of 150.