Facebook sucks?

It is wrong to think that following your friends online will introduce you to new ideas, opportunities and information. However, if you spend the same amount of time reading other people ideas but following a certain topic that interest you. This will probably expose you to more information, viewpoints, ideas, etc..

Curiosity killed the cat!

I don't know were did the above proverb come from. But I know how curiosity came to exist. It could …

Space travel: cool & fun

in «Experimental & Humor» by moftasa

Selfie of an Astronaut

As if I am not living in this world. But, it seems that the prospects of space tourism for the masses are being laid out these days. I might be a little late to realise it but, humans think that a couple of orbits around the blue planet which we call home is worth the money and risks.

Mad and exuberantly rich Richard Branson, is actually one of the most enthusiastic and he has competition …

Google maps mashups

Created mashups of several weblogs.


Your favourite cheap automated Egyptian blogs aggregator. BTW, not all posts appearing on the main page will be displayed on the map. The admin's favorited posts only, as there is no way I can find the RSS of the whole thing.

Omraneya + Google maps

Global Voices Online

This one is pretty cool. Global Voices Online is a non-profit global citizens’ media project. Basicly a selection of what bloggers around …

تويطر .. التامجوتشي الجديد !؟

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa


هل تتذكر التاماجوتشي، اللعبة التافهة التي تذكرك بالجيم أند واطش ولكن أنتشرت في منتصف التسعينيات في اليابان ثم أنطلقت الى العالم كله في أيدي من لا يعلم أن هناك ما هو أروش من أن تمسح الفضلات الاكترونية و تغذي كائن الكتروني معاق ؟ دي كانت الخطوة الأولة في أستأناس البرمجيات.

الحقيقة أن التاماجوتشي كفكرة ليست بطالة و لكن لمدة ٤ دقائق فقط. الأهتمام و الولع في ذلك الوقت كان غير مفهوم. و البرامجيات متوقعه و جامدة …



Unfortuantely, it is not true. Psychiatrists are not Psyche's doctors. They were named after the soul. Iatros(es) of the soul, that doesn't exist for them to heal. They instead run around with prescriptions, to heal your mind. Even this was not found, they try to fix your brain functions.


How I wish if all this was not true. If emotions made the rules of the universe. And an affectionate kiss could heal your soul …

Off to the beach (with your surfboard) experience

in «Experimental & Humor» by moftasa
A collection of photos of cars with surfboards, heading to the beach.
These are photos of windsurfers and wave surfers. But there is not much of a difference it is the same experience. I am dying to wake up early put on the roof rack, the equipment and head to the beach.

Car, roof rack, equipment and straps


Vintage cars with surfboards:


Cute model cars:


Car ads



No need for a car


My trusty …

Twitter is cool

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa


Twitter is a tumblelog. A cool one. You can add tiny posts from IM, SMS or web. With a social networking ability.

I like it, this is the kind of app I find more useful than IM to keep in touch with people. Simply telling people what's going on with me. Also cool when one reads those tiny posts after a year or so.

It has a customizable way of reminding you to post. Kind …

Big Screen Memories

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

I had to keep the work's LCD projector for two days with me. Watched Taxi Driver with the pink dragon, the Waragi master and the Wesnothian knight. As usual I had to repay my REM debt during the film. But I have a general idea what the film was about.

Yesterday, I was lucky again and had to keep the projector with me. I watched another film, meet the fockers, it was great and everything …

Severe major procrastination

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Today, I decided that I will finish something related to work. Something really important that I suck at*. That I am supposed to have ready by tomorrow morning. So as usual I like keeping my ass warm, watch a movie, do some reading, checking my mail, try out all VOIP applications and did nothing related to the work I should do. I even didn't bother to bring the file from the car downstairs.

Finally, at …