🔗 NEJM: Mild Cognitive Impairment
NEJM: Mild Cognitive Impairment http://is.gd/8Z5kz5
NEJM: Mild Cognitive Impairment http://is.gd/8Z5kz5
Odorant receptors and the organisation of the olfactory system http://bit.ly/mdtOaZ
On another road leading to palace. Around 3000 there. Waiting for thousands from tahrir to join. http://twitpic.com/3ympdf
Our new constitution should ban presidents from appearing publicly tucking hands in jacket like a fucking French emperor http://is.gd/ajFaYb
Palestinian & Israeli civilian deaths since 1988
People assembled earlier today outside Egypt's lower house of parliament (aka people's assembly) http://twitpic.com/3yayqv
People praying in front of tanks outside presidential palace http://twitpic.com/3yn0nz #egypt #jan25
Photos of #FreeAmina is of someone in London called Jelena Lecic. http://is.gd/8PhY5D Here is another photo of Lecic http://bit.ly/kb04yc
Police dispersed peaceful protesters, 3 injured. http://is.gd/BRBUD8 #egypt #a7a
Sad Panda is wearing the SCAF's Mask of Freedom http://ur1.ca/4a63p
SHIT! http://www.ndp.org.eg is gone. Did anyone take a backup copy? #NDP #Egypt
Some Muslims set houses of Coptic neighbors ablaze after a dispute over building a church in a village in the Sohag http://is.gd/3AlrbL
Spanish ambassador to cairo says fugitive tycoon hussein salem can't be extradited: http://is.gd/2t5aBf #egypt #corruptio ...
The khawaga’s lament by @arabist http://is.gd/vIphbq #egypt #xenophobia
The worst news photo in 2011 http://is.gd/7J7GDG
There is a company claiming © over revolution videos on Youtube http://is.gd/eqkkG4 ones that show channels inciting against protesters.
Two helicopters were seen flying very low coming from the direction of the palace. http://twitpic.com/3ynnyk
Wow look at the number of new twitter registrations from Egypt.. http://oi51.tinypic.com/raw4me.jpg (via @Monabdelaziz @shadysamir)
WTF!! Egypt's exports rise 19% after the revolution? http://www.almasryalyoum.com/node/362843 Is this true?
أطبع، ألزق، أنسخ أو أعمل ما يحلو لك http://i.imgur.com/EoisM.gif
أكد الدكتور حازم أبو إسماعيل المرشح المحتمل لرئاسة الجمهورية: تطبيق الشريعة الإسلامية يحقق كافة مطالب الأقباط http://is.gd/YSKniu
ائتلاف 25 يناير ينتقد تباطؤ الحكومة في تنفيذ مطالب الثورة http://bit.ly/htjsJ1
الإداري" يسمح للعائدين لـ"المسيحية" بتغيير خانة الديانة بالبطاقة http://is.gd/8ZPGwB
الاعلان الدستوري هايتذاع على القناة الأولى http://tinyurl.com/egych1