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Ancient Coptic city discovered in New Valley
AIDA EL AYOUBY SINGS w/ Cairokee for Tahrir!!
فيديو من CBC | "علياء المهدي تتعرض للضرب و الطرد من ميدان التحرير."
Thousands of protesters in major Egyptian cities are now entering the fifth day of public demonstrations calling for the military leadership to step down. The streets of Cairo around Tahrir Square have been flooded with tear gas, as riot police and members of Egypt's military clash with protesters. The two sides have advanced and retreated, hurling stones, tear gas canisters, and other debris at each other, and security forces reportedly continue to fire rubber bullets and some live rounds into the crowds. The international community has stepped up criticism of Egypt's military leaders, and has expressed anger at the violence used against the protesters. Human rights groups have now raised the estimated death toll to at least 38. The recent unrest has led to the resignation of the …
@kristenchick check this: "Hi! My name’s Maria, and I represent the Coalition of Egyptian Civil Society Monitors.."
Alaa and his friends at Linux-Egypt put a lot of thought into answering your questions. Alaa wrote, "we felt there was much misinformation or lack of information about egypt while reading the comments so I kinda used each question to inject some extra info," which makes this Q&A worth reading fo...
This magnificent study of cancer suggests that, for all medicine's advances, we cannot beat a disease that is a distorted version of ourselves, says Alexander Linklater
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Online films, text and selected images from Adam Curtis, maker of The Power of Nightmares, The Century of the Self, The Mayfair Set, Pandora's Box, The Trap and The Living Dead.
تمسكت الدكتورة بسمة عبد العزيز، مدير الإعلام والتثقيف بالأمانة العامة للصحة النفسية، بالبيان الذي أصدرته، الإثنين، لرفض إحالة المدون مايكل نبيل إلى مستشفى الصحة النفسية بالعباسية، رغم إحالتها للتحقيق وتبرؤ وزارة الصحة من البيان.
Victory! Google Surrenders in the Nymwars. Google+ will support pseudonyms and other forms of identity
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مسيرة الأقباط مرورا بالمذبحة ورواية الشهود والمستشفى الى الجنازة
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A girl's experience riding a bike in Cairo streets
أطباء بلا حقوق wrote a note titled خطوات التسجيل في القوائم الانتخابية. Read the full text here.
Psychology Wiki is a collaborative editing site enabling academic and practitioner psychologists to contribute towards developing a comprehensive, peer reviewed account of knowledge within the discipline of psychology.
Ben Goldacre: Using Benford's law, forensic statisticians can spot suspicious patterns in the raw numbers, and estimate the chances figures have been tampered with
An experiment to test Benford's Law against large, publicly available datasets.
Video of a protester shot in the head at the #israeliembassy