🔗 YouTube - Mona Seif talks in Egypt police shoots Protestors
Very emotional phone call by @monasosh to @AJELive on Wednesday http://is.gd/0jKBnx
Very emotional phone call by @monasosh to @AJELive on Wednesday http://is.gd/0jKBnx
Solidarity campaign for Turkish feminist author and sociologist Pınar Selek http://post.ly/1VCOg
Lack of dissent is not informed consent. (compliant not capable)
The CEH showed that resulting proportions were consistent with the genocide hypothesis. In each region indigenous people were killed at a rate five to eight times greater than nonindigenous people. This statistical finding was one of the bases of the CEH's final conclusion that the Guatemalan army committed acts of genocide against the Maya.
وفى نفس الوقت كان القاضي "عبد الفتاح مراد" تقدم ببلاغ للنيابة العامة يتهم فيه أحمد سيف وجمال عيد بتهديده وابتزازه، وقامت النيابة بالتحقيق فيه لأكثر من ثلاثة سنوات وقامت منذ أيام قليلة بإحالة القضية للمحاكمة يوم السبت القادم.
"Foreign and local forces have been trying their best in recent years to tarnish the image of Egypt in the area of human rights," said Shehab. "As a result the Egyptian delegation decided to go to Geneva, not to stand as defendants but because it is our duty to tell the world that Egypt has come a long way towards respecting human rights."
“If they intend to be tough on Iran, they should also be tough on Egypt. None of them made a general statement condemning the human rights situation overall in Egypt, as they did with Iran during its UPR review. There was also no mention by states of the detention of Muslim Brotherhood members — contrast this with the condemnation of peaceful dissent in Iran,” Hadj Sahroui commented.
a database for the management and documentation of human rights violations. Anyone can download and use it for free.
Online discussion on documentation of human rights violations
Do bloggers have any influence in changing authoritarian regimes? Egyptian Blogger, Journalist, and activist Wael Abbas is a thorn in the side of the government and got month a million people read his blog. Zeinab Badawi asks; Is he just gaining celebrity status, or is he making a real difference?
Since May 2009, Egyptian border guards shot and killed at least 17 migrants from countries such as Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan as they tried to cross into Israel at or near the Sinai border. General Muhammad Shousha, the governor of North Sinai, was quoted after the killings of four migrants in September justifying the policy of shooting at the migrants as "necessary."
“Thousands of Egypt’s poor are trapped by poverty and neglect that could ultimately end in their deaths,” Malcolm Smart, director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa program, said in a press statement issued yesterday.
Sharqawy was eventually released on Oct. 29, after signing a written pledge not to hold religious ceremonies or Christian meetings in his house.
“I swear to God that I didn’t hurt him in any way. I’ve been wronged. I’m clean of all charges. My daughters can’t even go to the club anymore because of these charges against me,” Suleiman shouted from the dock when asked to speak by the judge.
African civil society against AU decision to withdraw cooperation with the ICC arrest warrant.
On free speech
Martus is a secure information management tool that allows you to create a searchable and encrypted database and back this data up remotely to your choice of publicly available servers. The Martus software is used by organizations around the world to protect sensitive information and shield the identity of victims or witnesses who provide testimony on human rights abuses. Martus is the Greek word for witness. Learn more about Martus software.
أننا اذا كنا ننكر حق الدولة في إزهاق روح المحكوم عليه بالإعدام فإننا ننكر بذلك حق الدولة في العقاب بالنسبة لجميع أنواع العقوبات, كما أن عقوبة الإعدام تتناسب في جسامتها عادة مع الجرائم التي توقع من أجلها وبالنسبة للاخطاء البشرية والتي قد ترد عمن يوقع العقاب فإن كل الأحكام القضائية تصدر عن بشر ومعظم العقوبات تخضع لتلك المشكلة, فهل معني ذلك أن نلغي كل العقوبات, كما أن النفع الجماعي الذي يعود علي المجتمع من عقوبة الإعدام كبير والضمانات التي وضعتها التشريعات القانونية لتلافي الاخطاء القضائية كفيلة بأن تمنع أو تقلل هذه الاخطاء البشرية.
A paper by Scott Long examining the forensic examination of suspected homosexuals in Egypt. This paper describes how Egyptian forensic doctors by doing so are actually taking part in torture and throws light on the lack of scientific basis to support these examinations.
"They are held here indefinitely, not because they need treatment for a mental illness, but because they are simply too dangerous for release into the community." Wait a minute, they are kept under the mental health act under a diagnoses that a "government consultation paper" defined not psychiatrists.
Sinai blogger remains in detention despite eighth release order.
whoa .. this is a must read.
“Defamation of religions may offend people and hurt their feelings but it does not directly result in a violation of the right to freedom of religion.”