remembering names

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

There is a big chance that I will not remember your name. You will tell me your name tomorrow, next day I will forget it. The weird thing is, if it is a totally alien name that comes from a different culture and easy to pronounce. I will remember it for several years.

My biology teacher in school, she happens to be a doctor, had the same problem. She only remembered few names in class …

Pediatrics take 2 ... and more

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Started the pediatrics round, again.

Well, I need to explain this. The first ten days in the my internship. We were randomly distributed. I went to the pediatrics hospital in those few days. There, I got the worst flu in 15 years and had a good amount of grief and distress from the conditions of some children and the death of two of them.

After that, I had two months in Surgery. I learned lots …

Quick Break

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

All plans for ROC related matters collapse as everyone decides to abandon Cairo. Why not me then. I am in Marina for a couple of days.

UPDATE: I am back. Damn the me7war was so busy. I spent an hour in 8km. And as usual an air quality shock, while entering Cairo.



Marina from space.

How to Blog Anonymously

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Or, how to survive censorship.

What is going on with Bahraini web publishers is sad. They will be facing legal action if they don't register their sites with the government, including sites hosted on servers outside Bahrain.

The good thing is; Bahraini bloggers will do something about it.

What they are going to do will either back fire or provide them with the freedom they want. We, on the other hand, are entering a sensitive …

Updates on personal matters

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Well, I didn't blog about myself since this post. Three days later I started my General Surgery rotation. It is two months long. I had 10 days in pediatric surgery. Not much work, but the operations are very cool. Not enough to learn much though.

I learned lots of practical skills in the General Surgery and managed to see several operations. Unfortunately, the two months are approaching their end, and I didn't go to the …

How to search the Egyptian Blogs

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

Here is how to search the Egyptian Blogosphere. I guess this would be very useful.


Go to feedster advanced search, type your keyword and then add this OPML file in the space titled "Limit to feeds in this OPML URL".

screenshot of the service

UPDATE: the above photos is a bit old please use this url

One more thing, feedster is a little bit strange. You will have to search every time from …

Blogsome is awesome

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa
Egyptian bloggers listen. You can now move away from blogger. Blogger is fine, there is nothing wrong with it, except that it has none of the features of a modern blog. And to add features, you have to subscribe to lots of third party services that transforms your blog to something similar to the back of a microbus.

Stop riding on the Sebensa

A new free service called blogsome gives you an installation of …

Kodak EasyShare cx7300

in «Blogging & Personal» by moftasa

I bought a cheap entry level point and shoot camera. It has no features other than it has a good CCD and Lens. For only 800 EGP this Kodak gives you a resolution of 3.2 Megapixels, not bad. I also bought a 256MB SD card so as to carry lots of photos.

Expect some photos here in the future. Part of the reason for buying this camera is that I feel this blog needs …