The ultimate disregard for personal safety

Here, people don't give much thought about safety. Not even personal safety. People in many professions just don't care if they hurt themselves.

Rabak Youstor, they say. You can see workers in extremely dangerous situations not wearing anything to protect themselves. This is not only in case of blue collar workers. White collar workers too don't give a damn about the hazards of their job. Despite their higher education and knowledge about the risks. And …

ROCing the boat

Image of ROC Logo

Last year I attended the first phase of an intensive training course called Research Orientation Course (ROC). It provides training for medical students on scientific methods and research.

I learned a lot from this course.

I think we, medical students, are being taught in a negative way which is based on rote learning only. This results in conformist physicians who lack any understanding of the history and philosophy of medical science. And know nothing about …