140 characters of trauma

These are concise formulations of 8 different cases I have seen. All are in 140 characters or less. All people mentioned are refugees.

This is just an experiment with this format.

  • Her dad vanished when she was young. They detained & tortured her twice to know his whereabouts. 5th year in Egypt. No contact with family.

  • Tortured in 3 incidents. Electricity & walking on spiky plant. 2 broken bones. Doing OK as a delivery boy. 3rd year …

Men are never sure who is the real father of their offspring. This created the legacy of honour.

I am no expert on this. This is entirely out of my anus.

Primates, like humans, like all organisms are interested in passing down their genes. Both females and males, are programmed, biologically and thus psychologically, to do so.

Females have a critical advantage over males because they own the means of producing offspring. They are always sure that their kids are theirs. That their offspring carry their own genes. Both, however, are not programmed …

White phosphorus

Evidence of the use of white phosphorus by Israel in its war on Gaza is everywhere. Videos, photographs and accounts by bloggers and reporters are more than sufficient.

Medical evidence on the effects and management of white phosphorus is scarce. Pubmed returns 14 papers with search criteria "`white phosphorus' burn" most of them describing the experiences of burn units along its years of operation with people who contacted the material accidentally.

White phosphorus is an …

Ghosts of Babel

Adel (name changed) is a 14 years old Iraqi. He started medication for Asthma at the age of one, he continued the treatment for 7 years. Without medical follow-up. The family learned that the treatment turned out to be Glucocorticoids after adverse effects became frequent. His family noticed that he broke his bones easily. He developed severe Rickets and Scoliosis of the spine. His back is still severely bent to the sides.

I wish I …

أشباح بابل

عادل (تم تغيير الأسم) عمرة 14 عام. هو عراقي الجنسية و أخذ علاج للربو الشعبي في سن السنة و أستمر على العلاج لمدة 7 سنوات و لم يكن يتابع مع الأطباء. أتضح أن العلاج يحتوي على كورتيزون بعد أن تكررت مضاعفات الدواء. خاصة لين العظام و حدث لة إنحناء شديد في العمود الفقري.

نفسي أرجع العراق لو الأوضع أتحسنت.
أنا بحب الأنجليزي و الفرنسي لأني سأسافر كندا أو أمريكا أو المانيا أو اليابان لأن ما …

'أيهما خطأ؟ فيروس نقص المناعة أم المثلية؟'

"اللوطي السلبي المعتاد يأخذ وضع السجود بلا إستحياء اثناء الفحص." ---من مبادئ الطب الشرعي لأعضاء قسم الشرعي و السموميات السريري. كلية الطب جامعة عين شمس.

فحص الطب الشرعي لإثبات الاختراق الشرجي الغير عنيف الأعتيادي موروث من الكتب المرجعية للعصر الفيكتوري في الطب.

لاتوجد أبحاث مراجعة من قبل الزملاء توفر أدلة صحيحة في هذا المجال. لأن اللواط لم يعد جريمة في أوروبا الغربية مع بداية القرن العشرين. و في حين أن البلدان التي تزال تعتبر تلك …

Which one is wrong? HIV or Homosexuality?

``Habitual passive sodomite takes knee-chest position without shame during examination." ---From Principles of Forensic Medicine by staff members of the Forensic & Clinical Toxicology Department. Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine.

Forensic examinations to prove habitual non-violent anal penetration are inherited from the textbooks of Victorian era medicine[1].

There are no peer-reviewed research that provides sound evidence in that area[2]. Because sodomy was decriminalized in western Europe by the beginning of the 20th century …

International Society for Bipolar Disorder: New Guidelines

photo of DSM-IV-TR

Published in the latest(April 2008) issue of Psychiatric Times an article about proposed new diagnostic guidelines for bipolar disorder by the International Society of Bipolar Disorder.

These new proposed guidelines might give insight to what may be set in the DSM-V. The two biggest changes will be discarding the Schizoaffective disorder and addition of a pediatric bipolar disorder.

Suggested removal of the Schizoaffective disorder diagnosis

"Some researchers claim that schizoaffective disorder is consistent with …

Why handcuffing patients in hospitals is not a good idea?

  • An unconscious patient will not escape!
  • Patients with extensive injuries are not likely to be able to escape without making a scene
  • Preventing a limb from movement is very annoying and will not help the patient rest or sleep
  • Preventing a limb from movement for extended periods of time is very dangerous as he/she might develop deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in the fixed limb
  • Prevents the patient from going to the toilet if he …