Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation


I sat down facing the machine with its hand-held coil pointed to my head and I started receiving few pulses of magnetic stimulation. Both doctors said almost at the same time "We reached the motor threshold." and they stopped cranking up the Amps. I asked for explanation. They said to me that my hand is twitching in reaction to the impulses. I tried to explain that those few twitches were voluntary and I made them …



Unfortuantely, it is not true. Psychiatrists are not Psyche's doctors. They were named after the soul. Iatros(es) of the soul, that doesn't exist for them to heal. They instead run around with prescriptions, to heal your mind. Even this was not found, they try to fix your brain functions.


How I wish if all this was not true. If emotions made the rules of the universe. And an affectionate kiss could heal your soul …

Koro vs. Kuru

Koro: A culture bound syndrome in which a male falsly believes that his genitals are retracting into his body and the condition will cause eventual death. Usually affects a population and causes mass panic. Happens in south east Asia and similar syndromes occur in Africa. Koro in Malay means "retracting head of a turtle".1

Kuru: A prion disease that causes a progressive neurological disorder that leads to death. Symptoms include dementia, behavioral changes (out …

نفيسة الدمرداش

دي أول مرة أدون من الشغل. النهارده شفت 65 حالة. 40 منهم في العيادة بتاعت المركز في 25 في الأستقبال. دي مش أول مرة أتفحت أو أدفن في الشغل. و لكن الغريب عدد الحالات.

وقع تحت يدي أحصاء بعدد الحالات المترددة على كل العيادات التابعة لمستشفى الباطنة و الجراحة التابعين لجامعة عين شمس. و المذهل أن عدد الحالات في شهر أكتوبر لمركز الطب النفسي 1445 حالة و أجمالي عدد الحالات لجميع تخصصات الباطنة و الجراحة …

فريد شوقي يحارب الأدمان

ما هي الفرص أني أول مرة أفتح التليفيزيون من أسابيع. أجد فريد شوقي زعلان من أبنة المدمن في شاويش نص الليل و بيحاول يحبسة في البيت. المضحك كمية العبط و التمثيل المبالغ فية و المعلومات الغلط.

أنا راجع البيت أكل أكلة محترمة شوية و أفرد ظهري على السرير. بعد مناهده ساعتين علشان الولاد الي بيتعالجوا يسمعوا الكلام في المستشفى. من كثرة المفارقات الغير محتملة الأيام دي أنا مش عارف أن كنت مسير أم مخير أو …

200 days of psychiatry

I have spent almost 200 days in the Psychiatry department as a visiting resident. I didn't finish residency, I am far from it. But I felt today an urge to blog and quickly write without much thinking..

If you have been following this blog, I used to update you infrequently about my personal matters and then I suddenly disappeared. With only few posts.

I got sucked in a black (or rather a rabbit) hole called …

Therapeutic drugs commonly abused in Egypt

The following is a list of drugs (by their trade names) most commonly abused for their psychoactive properties. Some of the following drugs are over the counter medications that requires no prescription.

This is just a short list with Egyptians trade names. For a more complete list of psychotropics under international control.




Apetryl, Amotryl, Rivotryl, Clopam, Klonopin, Xanax, Zolam, Prazolam, Alprax, Calmepam, Restolam, Valium, Librium, Valpam, Valinil, Neuril, Epival, Farcozepam, Lexotanil …


She was one of the top ten students in the whole country in secondary education. She asked the minister for a night job to help support her family of two parents and 7 brothers and sisters.

One day, she stopped sleeping. She became more fun and daring. Other nights she sat alone in the dark and sobbed for no reason thinking life was not worth it. One day she went to her balcony and flashed …

اتحاد المهن الطبية : يقاطع أدوية وأغذية الدانمرك والنرويج

طالب اتحاد المهن الطبية أعضاءه من الأطباء البشريين والأسنان والصيادلة والبيطريين بضرورة الالتزام بمقاطعة المنتجات الدانمركية والنرويجية من الأدوية والأغذية والألبان وغيرها.

ويأتي قرار الاتحاد احتجاجًا على تطاول الصحف فى هاتين الدولتين على مقام النبى الكريم -- صلى الله عليه وسلم -- وتضامنًا مع كافة الهيئات فى جميع الدول الإسلامية .

وذكر د. محمود عبد المقصود امين عام الاتحاد ان الأنسولين يأتي على رأس الأدوية المطلوب مقاطعتها خاصة مع توافر الأنسولين المصري من إنتاج هيئة المصل …

The Neurology of Love

Italian researchers published a research last November that suggests the condition of "falling in love" appears to be associated with elevated levels of a nerve growth factor in the bloodstream.

Enzo Emanuele of the University of Pavia and colleagues suspected that a diversity of biological mechanisms might be involved in precipitating the mental state called "falling in love," a state characterized by obsessive thinking about one's beloved, craving for union with him or her, euphoria …